What theme of Richard Connell’s story “The Most Dangerous Game” comes through in this excerpt?“…We should have some good hunting up the Amazon. Great sport, hunting."

"The best sport in the world."

"For the hunter," amended Whitney. "Not for the jaguar."

"Don't talk rot, Whitney," said Rainsford. "You're a big-game hunter, not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels?"

"Perhaps the jaguar does," observed Whitney.

"Bah! They've no understanding."

"Even so, I rather think they understand one thing—fear. The fear of pain and the fear of death."
reason versus instinct
violence and bloodshed
helplessness of animals
survival of the fittest


Answer 1

Answer: I guess that the answer is violence and bloodshed

Explanation: because in one of the quotes

“…We should have some good hunting up the Amazon. Great sport, hunting."

This proofs that there are hunters and there violent.

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C. To appeal the readers emotions.

Answer: to appeal to the readers emotion

Explanation: xepA test

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Given the fact that the only preposition in this sentence is 'around', the correct answer is definitely C. 'Around' is the preposition, and 'boat' is the object of the preposition, that is, the noun that follows the preposition. 

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A colon is needed to introduce a list right after an independent clause

If you were an exceedingly wealthy, altruistic philanthropist, what causes would you support and why?


I would support funding for foster homes. With better funding the government would be able to give them better lives. A lot of foster kids grow up in and out of the foster system due to caretakers that are only interested in making money from the government. There is also the housing problem. If there are too many kids at one orphanage they will refuse other kids. More funding will allow the people in charge to buy larger buildings to house more children, and make it less cramped.

I feel that this would help make orphans a little more happy because they're not just getting thrown at whomever will take them due to housing space. Children in the foster system end up being angry at themselves and angry at others that they are constantly thrown around and no one ever adopts them.

With better funding these children would have a better life, and a better chance at finding a comfortable home to live in.

Which of the following types of words must be capitalized?A government position when it comes before a specific name
Time of year when mentioned in a general way
The last word in a narrative sentence
Every word in a book title


Capitalization is the capital word or letter usage in sentence and writing formats. The initial letter of a word is in uppercase while others are followed by the lower case. Verbs, nouns and adjectives are generally capitalized.

A government rank when it comes before a distinct name should be capitalized.

What are the rules of capitalization?

  • Proper nouns, names and the first word of any sentence starts with a capital letter. Designations and pronoun "I" is invariably capitalized in any sentence.

  • The articles, prepositions and conjunctions are in the lower case. In the case of the government position followed by a particular name, the words should be capitalized, for example, Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Therefore, option A should be capitalized.

Learn more about capitalization here:


A government position when it comes before a specific name :)

Hope I helped..
Sequoyah :]

What is the prefix of cedent?


I think you spelled "Cident" wrong.
Its like an Accident, or an Incident, and even coincidence