The Oscar nominated movie released in 2011 that received a "fresh" rating of less than 50% on "Rotten Tomatoes", was based on a book by what author? Hint: J_______ S_____ F___


Answer 1


The correct answer is Jonathan Safran Foer who wrote the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

Further Explanation:

Jonathan Safran Foer is an American novelist who wrote some well-known novels Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Everything is Illuminated, Eating Animals and Saving the Planet , Begins at Breakfast. His first novel is rejected by every publisher and he went through a traumatic experience in the childhood.

The movie based on the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close has the same name is released in 2011 which is a drama film. The film is also nominated for Oscar award as well. The casting team of the film includes Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn, Max von Sydow, Viola Davis and others. The film is directed by Stephen Daldry and produced by Scott Rudin.

Learn more:

1. A company that allows you to license software monthly to use online is an example of ?

2. Prediction accuracy of a neural network depends on _______________ and ______________.  

3. The shape of our galaxy was determined ‘on the inside looking out' by surveying the milky way using ____________ telescopes.  

Answer details:

Grade: Middle School

Subject: Computers and Technology

Chapter: NA


Oscar awards, nominated, movie released, 2011, fresh rating, less than 50%, Rotten Tomatoes, book, author, Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Everything is Illuminated

Answer 2
Answer: The book was 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close' and it was written by Jonathan Safran Foer.

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