Producers are types of_____ that get their energy from the_______
for the process of


Answer 1

do you have some answer choices that can go in the blanks???

But anyways hope this helps if it doesn’t let me know if I can help further


Autotrophs are the producers in the food chain, meaning they create their own nutrients and energy. Kelp, like most autotrophs, creates energy through a process called photosynthesis

Answer 2


I agree with the first answer

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Answer the following question about thegeneralized photosynthesis equation below:
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H1206 I 602
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Photosynthesis is a process in which food is produced. In this process, carbondioxode enters through small opening called stomata and water is absorbed by the plant from the soil. When these two substances combine in the presence of sunlight, two substances i. e. oxygen and glucose are formed. Glucose is stored in different parts of plant body and oxygen is released in the atmosphere. In photosynthesis, stomata opens only when sunlight is present so sunlight is the main component of this process.


Carbon dioxide and water are combined in a series of reactions.

Sunlight provides energy for the reactions.

The end result of photosynthesis is the production of sugars (glucose, a food) and oxygen (a gas).

The energy from sunlight is stored in the glucose

I took the quiz

How can i tell if most of the plants in my environment are vascular or nonvascular?


By looking at them over a light to see the "veins"

A thing found in nature that is useful to organisms


air, water, and other organisms as a form of symbiotic relationships
There are many things found in nature which are useful for us. Among these are air and water, and the diversity of organisms, which provide us with food and many other things.

What characterizes a biome


A biome is an area classified according to the species that live in that location. Temperature range, soil type, and the amount of light and water are unique to a particular place and form the niches for specific species allowing scientists to define the biome.

What 2 characteristics determine a biome?

Biomes are large-scale environments that are distinguished by characteristic temperature ranges and amounts of precipitation. These two variables affect the types of vegetation and animal life that can exist in those areas.

What other factors might determine biomes?

Average annual precipitation and temperature trends, factors such as geography, geology, soil types, disturbances, and topography can also influence the biome of a region. is home to a unique array of living things. Humans have an impact on biomes and the biodiversity of organisms supported by each biome.

Learn more about biome  here:


A BIOME is a major ecosystem spread over a wide geographic area, and characterized by certain types of flora and fauna, as determined by climate. Climate and soil determine the flora, which, in turn, largely determine what type of other organisms live in that biome.

how do birds identify members of the same species a. Methods of sharpening beaks b. Migration patterns c. Producing a distinct call d. Hunting in packs


The answer is C. It's kind of like how humans speak in different languages. So do birds. They may make different noises but they are all still birds.

A mother carries one allele of a recessive gene for a disease on an autosome, and the father carries no recessivealleles of the gene for that disease. What is the likelihood of their child having the disease?




because the gene is recessive that means both parents need to carry it for any likelihood so since the father does not carry the gene that means the answer is 0%.