Why were Native American societies in North America so diverse


Answer 1
Answer: North America itself is so diverse, it's no wonder that different Indian tribes had to adapt to the area where they lived. For example, in the Southwest it is mostly desert and is dry and hot all of the time, so these tribes, like the Hopi, had to learn to live without water and live to benefit themselves in their climate. They lived in houses dug either underground or made out of clay to stay cool. On the other hand, in the Midwest we have tribes like the Fox, Oneida, and Chippewa who lived off the land and lived in long houses made of saplings and birch bark. They lived in forest areas and relied on water travel on Lake Michigan and the bay of Green Bay. The Plains Indians like Apache and Comanche lived in tepees and learned to use every part of the buffalo they hunted.

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Autocracy would be like North Korea and their ruler Kim-Jong-il. He is the only one in charge of how things are run in his land and no one else has a say in it. It can only be what he said. An oligarchy would be like Russia. Russia has a group of men and they all decide what they want to do with the country and what is best for them rather than just letting one of them decide for everyone. 

How does a socialist government with a command economy manage its economy?


In a command economy, it is the government who decides on the production of goods and services and sets the price for these goods. Both communist and socialist countries make use of command economy.  Even when there is some form capitalism in the country, it is still heavily regulated by government.

A Socialist government with a command economy can manage its economy by fixing the prices of the goods on the basis of supply and demand. It can also be done prohibiting the competition within the private sector by securing the set prices and production of the company.

Further Explanation:

Command economy is described as an economy where government have the total authority to take decisions related to the economy of the country. Government decides that how much goods will be produced and at what price it will be sold. It also has control over the investment and income. Sometime command economy is also recognized as planned economy with its government as its central planner. Private proprietorship, labor and capital are either missing or sprucely limited, So as to support central economical plan. A command economy handles an oligopoly business to meet the objectives of national economy

Mobilization of economic resources takes place on large scale. They aren't affected by legal action and can execute massive projects, industrial power projects to meet social demands without any hindrance. On the other hand it has a negative impact that it knocks down other societal needs and leads to the development of shadow economy or black market.

Cuba, North Korea, former Soviet Union and China are some countries to have followed command economy.

Learn more

1. The goal of a command economy is to?brainly.com/question/1362251

2. Which of the following is not an advantage of a free market economy?brainly.com/question/1165126

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Chapter: Command Economy

Keywords: command, economy, central planner, Private, proprietorship, labor, capital, sprucely, limited, oligopoly, shadow economy, black market.

Which statements accurately describe Roger Williams?Choose all answers that are correct.
a. He was the founder of Rhode Island.
b. He supported religious toleration.
c. He defeated the local Indians and won their land.
d. He provided a colony just for Catholics.


The best answer in terms of Roger Williams would be that "b. He supported religious toleration," since he was a firm believer in fairness and the doctrine of the separation of powers. 


The correct answers are A and B


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The main way in which the principle of the Roosevelt Corollary was different from that of the Monroe Doctrine was that the former forced Latin American countries to behave properly, while the latter discouraged foreign intervention in the Americas.