Following the ten steps of study-reading, students can improve their absorption and retention of information by _____ percent.A. 15 to 25
B. 25 to 50
C. 30 to 40
D. 50 to 60


Answer 1
Answer: the answer is B) 25 to 50 percent

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"Regular aerobic exercise gives an individual more endurance" is a sentence that shows cause and effect. Which word indicates the cause?a. Endurance
b. Regular
c. Exercise
d. Individual


The answer is "c. Exercise".

Cause and effect is a connection between occasions or things, where one is the consequence of the other or others. This is a blend of activity and response.

'Aerobic' exercise alludes to practice that requires the utilization of generously more oxygen than very still. It is of a light to direct force, and can be attempted for a drawn out span (numerous minutes to a few hours) without intemperate exhaustion. Cases of vigorous exercise incorporate strolling, running, swimming or cycling at a consistent pace. Another case would move or 'high impact exercise' classes.

Thus Regular aerobic exercise is the cause and when it gives an individual more endurance, that is the effect.

c. the cause is exercise, effect is endurance

How to start an essay?


I typically start an essay ,with try to have your first sentence catch the reader. like if I was doing an essay on the book the great Gatsby I would start off saying something completely different than the book itself. I would say "life is a struggle".  then  after the first sentence I would give I would get into why I said it was and how that one sentence relates to the book and why I said it, its easy and simple plus teachers eat that stuff up. 
State you a thesis statement to start the paragraph off. Then just pose a question related to the subject and then answer the question, state the interesting facts about it. After, that write 3-5 paragraphs, after you found the thesis and question statement and have written you introductory paragraph, write your conclusion, stick to the 3rd Person , and then revise your work .

 Hope that this helpss put anyy .

Who was the author of Divine Comedy, a medieval work of literature?


The answer is Dante Alighieri, and it was written in 1320, and consists of three parts: Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.

Which of the following is a good technique to help one remember the definition of a word?A. create an association
B. use a thesaurus
C. build a disposition
D. analyze the part of speech


I think the best answer among the choices is option A. Creating an association is a good technique to help one remember the definition of a word. Association is linking new information with old information which will result for the information to be stored in the long-term memory of our brains.

Why does Mark Antony describe Brutus as “the noblest Roman of them all”


Brutus is described by Antony as the noblest Roman of them all because his intentions for killing Caesar were not for personal gains by which the Romans consider honorable. 

The correct answer is:

Mark Antony describes Brutus as “the noblest Roman of them all” (5.5) because he didn't kill Julius Caesar for the good of Rome and not himself.


The vague or unacceptable word in the following sentence is _____.Do you want them roses?

A. do

B. them



B. them.


In any sentence, a vague or unacceptable word is any word that is used or put in a sentence but does no have any special or purpose in the sentence. It is not necessarily required in the sentence.

In the given sentence, the use of the word "them" to refer to the "roses" has no special purpose in the sentence. Rather, the sentence can well manage itself even without the word "them" in it. So, the vague or unacceptable word is "them".

B. them. That is the unacceptable word in the sentence.
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Cast:JEANNETTE KENNETH DADMOM(Setting: The Washington family’s kitchen)JEANNETTE: I’ve perused this bevy of travel pamphlets and I have no inkling of where I want to go on vacation. I thought about attending a performance at the city’s amphitheater; however, the city will be in bedlam with the performance and the sporting event occurring simultaneously. MOM: I didn’t find a worthwhile destination either. KENNETH: I’ve concluded that we should embark on an exhilarating and exciting trip this year—something we’ve never done before. MOM: I don’t want to dismiss your idea, Kenneth, but where can find such an awe-inspiring experience? KENNETH: I thought we could hike up Mount Whitney—it’s the highest peak in California. Because it’s located on the border of Inyo and Tulare counties, it’s also relatively close to home. Since we’re all strong athletes, I think that making the ascent is feasible. JEANNETTE: (to Kenneth) That sounds like an awesome and memorable trip; however, there’s one problem with your plan—I suffer from acrophobia. KENNETH: (with a look of befuddlement) Acro- what? MOM: Acrophobia—it means that Jeannette suffers from a fear of heights. The root word phobia, meaning “fear of,” comes from the Greek word –phobos, which means “fearing.” Acrophobia is one of the most prevalent phobias in the country.KENNETH: (to Jeannette) I recall a few years ago when we traveled on an airplane to Aunt Janice’s house—you were enthralled, peering out the window at the scene below.JEANNETTE: I did have a tremendous time on the airplane; however, after that trip, my phobia gradually progressed, and now merely thinking about flying evokes terror and makes me squeamish. For me, riding the elevator to the top floor of a tall building is much like trekking up Mount Everest—it’s a gigantic feat of willpower. MOM: Sometimes the best way to get over a fear is to face it. Perhaps we should try to climb the mountain so that Jeannette can tackle her fear. Do you think it would intolerable for you, Jeannette?JEANNETTE: (with a look of trepidation) I don’t believe I would be very excited during the ascent, and I may not reach the apex; yet, I would savor the astonishing panoramic views. But what if I lost my composure and chose not to climb with you? I would be loath to jeopardize your trip. DAD: Jeannette, we’re a family; we must always support each other. I believe that if you’re brave enough to attempt the climb, we should be more than willing to stop if you feel overwhelmed or extremely uneasy. MOM: Just trying is an immeasurable accomplishment! KENNETH: I’ll have a wonderful vacation as long as I get to view the noteworthy peak; everything else is secondary to me. What’s your verdict, Jeannette?JEANNETTE: The thought of scaling a gigantic mountain is both scary and exhilarating. I must admit, the allure of Mount Whitney seems to trump my trepidation, and it would be incredible to overcome my fear. So, I suppose there is only one thing left to do—pack!) Which is the main theme of the passage?