1)Telemachus doesn’t tell Penelope Odysseus is back. Why? Where does he say he is instead?2)What does Odysseus’s encounter with Melanthius reveal about the growth of his character?

3)How is Antinous characterized? Give one piece of evidence.

4)How is Eurymachus characterized? Give one piece of evidence.

please help me..


Answer 1
Answer: Telemachus did not tell Penelope that Odysseus is back for the reason that he wants to an avenge to those people who stayed in his kingdom to marry his wife. There were many people especially kings who dominated the entire kingdom knowing that Odysseus has not returned and perhaps they assumed that Odysseus was dead. He disguised himself as an old man and let Telemachus set a challenge for the rest who are interested in the kingdom. Odysseus disguised as an old man completed the challenge and kill the rest of the people inside the kingdom.

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Which is an example of a character's conflict with others? A.
Ariadne's desire to help Theseus versus the loyalty she feels towards her father

The king's sadness over leaving Jason with Chiron

Baucis and Philemon's wish to live happily in their home and die together

Perseus's effort to escape from the Gorgons after he kills Medusa


There are several types of conflicts in literature:

You have:

1. Man versus Self

2. Man versus another character

3. Man versus nature (ex. To build a Fire by Jack London)

4. Man versus Society (ex: Atlas Shrugged)

In this case I would think that the conflict is found in D: Perseus's effort to escape from the Gorgons after he kills Medusa.

The reason why I feel that D is the best option is because There is a cause and effect of the conflict. Pereus caused a death and now that brings conflict into the picture especially since it says he has to put effort into escaping the other characters (Gorgons).

Good luck and I hope this helped.

d its d hopefully this helps man

1. When changing lanes, turn off the radio.
make sure you are not on a one-way street.
it is not necessary to signal.
speed up or slow down as necessary.

2. You should signal for a right or left turn

500-600 feet in advance.
7-8 feet in advance.
as you are making the turn.
at least 150-200 feet in advance.

3. To parallel park, move your vehicle parallel to the vehicle in front of the space, at a distance of

less than 1 foot.
1 to 2 feet.
about 3 feet.
about 5 feet.


Well, it would have be much easier if you pointed laws of what country you are expressing.
But, I bet you are talking about general American ones, and according to this :
When changing lanes, speed up or slow down as necessary.
 You should signal for a right or left turn at least 150-200 feet in advance.
 To parallel park, move your vehicle parallel to the vehicle in front of the space, at a distance of 1 to 2 feet. I bet my answer will bring you all the needed points!

A presidential candidate pushing for health care reform talks about Ms. Mollie Johnson of Nashville, Tennessee, who can’t afford her prescription for diabetes. Which device is the candidate using? a. description
b. anecdote
c. analogy
d. case study


A presidential candidate pushing for health care reform was using b. anecdote. According to the task, this tool is incredibly suitable for the resuading speech of candidate, usually it is more powerful that ethos or pathos.

develop arguments





