What is the minimum number of body paragraphs an argumentative essay should have?


Answer 1
Answer: You should have around 2-3 body paragraphs and an introduction and a conclusion

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If the poem that you are referring to is William Blake's "Night".. The answer is letter B. 
> The poem speaks about the 
two contrasting places: Earth, where nature runs wild, and Heaven, where predation and violence are nonexistent.

Choices to this question are: 
a. pessimism about the future
b. fear of social advances
c. determination through hardship
d. the importance of tradition


The answer is not B but I don’t know what it is :/ just don’t put B I did it and it was wrong


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Critical listening will help you identify important information.

gradpoint- Critical listening will help you identify important information. hope this helps

Locate the infinitive and identify its use. I don't really want to write that letter, but I should.noun adjective adverb



An infinitive almost always begins with “to” and is followed by the basic form of the verb. It is usually in this form: 

To + Verb = Infinitive 

An infinitive is NOT a verb, so s, es, ed, or ing should not be added to the end. Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. According to the pattern of what an infinitive should be, “to cook” is the infinitive of this sentence and it functions as a noun. 

The correct answer to this question is noun. "To write" is used as a noun in this sentence. Hope this helps!

1.Bryce is reading a passage from his favorite story. He finds the story humorous because of the deliberate exaggeration. The writer describes people,things, or events as if they were much greater than they really are. Which literary device is the author using?

A. irony
B. symbolism
C. hyperbole
D. understatement

2.What is an extended metaphor?

A.a metaphor that makes a comparison by using the words “like” or “as”
B. a metaphor that sustains the comparison for several lines, or for an entire poem
C. a metaphor that suggests the comparison rather than stating it directly
D. a commonly used metaphor that has become part of ordinary language

3.Read the passage.

William and I love to play board games. But he is such a clever fox that he always wins!

Which figure of speech, or literary device, does the author use in the passage?

A. metaphor
B. imagery
C. personification
D. allusion


1. The literary device which the author was using is hyperbole. An hyperbole is an exagerrated statement which is not meant to be taken literally. 2. An extended metaphor is a metaphor that sustains the comparison for several lines or for an entire poem. 3. The figure of speech that the author used in the passage is metaphor. [1]. C. [2]. B. [3].A.

1. A literary device used by the author in the first sentence is hyperbole.

Hyperbole refers to the act of writing or something in an exaggerated manner that makes it sound bigger or better. In other words, these are exaggerated claims that are not taken literally.

2. An extended metaphor is a metaphor that sustains the comparison for several lines, or for an entire poem.

An extended metaphor is a comparison between two, unlike objects that can be comprised in more than one sentence or a full paragraph.


In the excerpt from, As You Like It by William Shakespeare,

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts.”

In the above excerpt, Shakespeare has compared life on earth to a stage in the whole sentence.

3. A figure of speech used by the author in the above sentence is a metaphor.

A metaphor is a figure of speech which describes an object or action that isn’t literal in its sense, but it helps in creating a comparison to explain an idea. It states the one thing to be another because they are the same in characteristics.

As in the above passage, William is compared to a clever fox, which doesn't mean he is literally a fox.

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