Major parties sometimes adopt third party issues.Question 14 options:


Answer 1




If a third-party issue finds acceptance with many voters, one or more of the major parties may adopt the issue into its own party platform.

Answer 2



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You can conclude that Florida lacks in bedrock because sinkholes form where there is low amount of such.

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B) Plant roots weather pieces of rock
C) Plants add organic material to the soil.
D) Bedrock weathers and rock breaks up into soil particles


i am pretty sure that D is the answer. if not, then A.
I would say A because it is caused by erroded minerals.

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the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
it is different than weather.
it's a specific and detail answer for weather, like humid, pressure, wind, etc. u get me?

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The 2 continents it covers are Europe and Asia
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