Tempat dakwah nabi daud


Answer 1
Answer: Tempat Dakwah Nabi Daud adalah wilayah Bani Isralil, tepatnya di kota Hebron

Menurut kitab - kitab yang ditemukan , nabi Daud merupakan raja di wilayah tersebut sehingga ia dapat melakukan dakwahynya secara leluasa di daerah tersebut

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The correct answer is C. Woodcarving


The Maori were an indigenous group of people that developed in New Zealand during the 12th century, this culture developed unique cultural features including their own language, myths, beliefs, and form of arts. In terms of ar,t the Maori were mainly known due to their traditional dance and carving that was mainly performed on wood surfaces including houses, canoes, containers, tools and almost any other element used in daily life made of wood. Additionally to this, Maori carving has been mainly known due to its complex patterns and its importance in the Maori culture as woodcarving was no only use for decoration purpose but to record stories and myths of this culture. Thus, the feature or cultural element Maori are known for is their "woodcarving" as this type of carving is one of the most important features of this culture due to its unique features and messages recorded through it.

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