Which type of investments are securities ? (Debt/equity neither or both)


Answer 1

The correct answer is both Debt and Equity.

Debt and equity are the two major types of securities. However, securities refer to a financial instrument that can be traded

Further Explanation

However, there 3 categories of securities, they are:

  • Equity securities (e.g. stocks)
  • Debt securities (e.g. banknotes, bond) is also known as fixed-income securities
  • Hybrids securities

Equity securities also mean stock. It also refers to the amount of share an individual has in a company. This type of securities generates regular income for shareholders. The income is also in the form of divided. However, equity security can rise or fall and this condition depends on the company’s fortunes or the direction of the financial market.

Debit securities entails borrowed money and also the selling of a security. Companies or individuals can issue debt security for a particular amount with a guarantee to pay back with interest.

Debt securities include the following:

  • The certain fixed amount that must payback
  • The certain interest rate that must be payback with the fixed amount
  • The maturity date, which is the date the total amount of securities, should be paid

Hybrids securities are the combination of the characteristics of the 2 other types of equities (both equity and debts)

Examples of Hybrids securities include

  • Preference shares
  • Convertible bonds
  • Equity warrants



  • securities
  • investments
  • debt
  • equity
  • examples
Answer 2

Final answer:

Both debt and equity can be classified as types of investments known as securities. Debt securities are, essentially, loans that are paid back with interest, while equity securities represent an ownership interest in a company.


In terms of investment, both debt and equity securities can be considered types of investments. Debt securities include investments such as bonds and certificates of deposit. Here, you lend your money to a corporation, government, or other entity that pays you back with interest. For example, when banks turn checking account deposits into long-term loans to companies, the banks essentially create debt securities.Equity securities, on the other hand, represent ownership in a company and include stocks or shares of companies. Investors who own equity securities have a claim on the company's assets and earnings and may participate in the decision-making process through voting rights.

Therefore, both debt and equity securities are types of investments.

Meanwhile, equity securities represent ownership interest in a company in the form of stocks. When investors buy a company's stock, they get a return on the company's decisions, making stocks equity securities. The investment in a range of companies for risk reduction, akin to mutual funds, would include both types of securities. Thus, both debt and equity investments are securities.

Learn more about Securities here:



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b. Han Dynasty.
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Option: A. Sui Dynasty.


The fall of the Han Dynasty (220-581) indicated the beginning of China's Dark Ages, this period saw a continuous war which led Han to decline and rise to the Sui Dynasty (581-618 CE).

The Sui Dynasty was a short-lived dynasty which made major changes in government, administration, laws and land distribution helped recover and organize imperial power.

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A second impact is that the U.S. became involved in several military interventions, particularly in Grenada, Afghanistan and Nicaragua.

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The empire that murdered over one million Armenians and hundreds of thousands of Greeks was the Ottoman Empire. The correct option is B.

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Osman II was imprisoned in Istanbul's Yedikule Fortress where he was strangled to death after the Janissaries staged a palace insurrection and immediately released the young ruler.

During World War I, the Ottoman Empire, which was a Muslim empire located in modern-day Turkey and parts of the Middle East, engaged in a systematic campaign of violence and deportation against the Armenian population of the empire. This campaign, which began in 1915 and continued until 1917, resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians.

The Ottoman Empire's campaign against the Armenians is widely considered to be genocide, as it involved the intentional killing of a large number of people on the basis of their ethnic identity.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about the Ottoman Empire here:




B is correct

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Hitler promised that it was his last territorial demand in Europe.
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a plebiscite confirmed that the region wanted to be part of Germany.


Generally speaking, Great Britain and France gave into Hitler's demands for territory at the 1938 Munich Conference because "Hitler promised that it was his last territorial demand in Europe," and because Europe wanted to avoid war at all costs.