How does flooding effect river


Answer 1
Answer: It raises the water level of the river,could potentially cause the flood to worsen?

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Employee benefits ______.a. decrease total employment compensation
b. increase total employment compensation
c. decrease net pay
d. increase net pay


Answer: b. increase total employment compensation.

Employee benefits increase total employment compensation. These benefits are additional compensation aside from the wage that may come in the form of health insurance, life insurance, medical allowances, retirement benefits and a lot more.


The answer is B  

increase total employment compensation


the answer is B i just looked at all the other answers from the same asked question. plus i just took the test. good luck

Which type of credit is usually used for cars, mortgages, and student loans?. . a.consumption credit.
b.installment plan.
c.secured credit card.
d.service credit


Installment plan: Most of us can not pay for car loans, or any of the above mentioned loans, we have so many other bills to pay, and trying to pay cash, just does not work for most of us.  You may have a parent or grand parent that have that kind of money, but not usually.

b. installment plan.

It is a method for repaying the complete loan amount for an item during the fixed tenure. It acts as credit system for buying commodities, such as cars or furniture, or sometimes education loan in which the consumer takes ownership of the commodity on payment of a security amount and makes the purchase by repaying a series of monthly installments whereas the dealer preserves ownership of the products or services till the final installment is paid.

What kind of architecture expressed a desire to reach to the heavens.


An Architectural Guide Andrew Ayers

"Gothic" architecture expressed a desire to reach to the heavens. i just took the test on E2020

When people buy something, they value it____than it costs them. But, when people sell something, they value it____than the payment they receive.options are:
the same



When people buy something, they value it more than it costs them. But, when people sell something, they value it less than the payment they receive.


The cost of a product or service is the purchase price of a product. It is the amount of money that the buyer must pay the seller for the seller to deliver the product in exchange for this payment.

On the other hand, the value of a product or service depends on the subjective assessment made by the person with respect to that good or service.

In order to carry out this subjective assessment, the buyer can put into play emotional factors such as with whom he will share it, how much benefit he will report its use, the desire he has to obtain it, the experiences that will allow him to realize, the problems that he can solve, the possibility of acquiring a similar product or service in another way, etc.

On the other hand, the seller will make his own assessment taking into account the cost he had or will have to pay to obtain the product or service offered, the opportunity cost of selling it to another customer, the time he has to devote to perform the service or maintain A product in stock, etc.

To make the purchase decision, the cost (purchase price of the product should be lower than the value perceived by the buyer because otherwise he would surely decide not to buy it.

On the other hand, the sale price offered by the seller should be higher than the value perceived by him because he would otherwise decide not to sell it.

This mechanism explains why in a free commercial exchange (without any taxation between the parties or third parties) it is always beneficial for both the buyer and the seller, at least according to the valuation according to the personal criteria of each of them. .

This is probably the main positive and most powerful feature of the free market system.

the answer would be more,less
hope this helps :)

The judicial doctrine that places a heavy burden of proof on the government when it seeks to regulate or restrict speech is called:_____________a) judicial restraintb) habeas corpusc) prior restraintd) strict scruitiny



Option D


Strict scrutiny is a decision usually imposed on a law established by the government, some will say it is a time when the judiciary disagrees or questions the government on a particular decision.its usually place by the judiciary to determine the constitutional decision of a particular law.

We see the kind of decision from the judiciary when someone sues the government  on a particular case.

The government has no power over companies joining together into larger companies.


It would be false to say that the government has no power over companies joining together into larger companies. Although there is no specific question given, but i hope this is what you were referring to. The government do have say over certain things in the case of companies joining to form a larger company as the law of the land is laid down by the government.