In the human body, only certain cells undergo fertilization. what is another process that only these type of cells undergo?


Answer 1
Answer: Mitosis im sure of it. =^_^=

Answer 2
Answer: Nit mitosis. Mitosis is only for body cells. Only sex cells undergo meiosis and fertilization.

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The Linnaean system of classification by Carl Linnaeus consist of a hierarchy of groups. Several genuses make up a family. Several families make up an order. Several orders make up a class. Several classes make a phylum. Several phyla make up a kingdom.   

What are some of the processes involved in the flow of matter andenergy among Earth's geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and




The flow of matter and energy among Earth's geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere involves several processes. Some of these processes include:

1. The water cycle: Water evaporates from the hydrosphere into the atmosphere, forms clouds, and then precipitates back to the Earth's surface. This process helps in the transfer of water and energy between the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

2. Nutrient cycling: Nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus move through the biosphere through processes like photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and nutrient uptake by plants. These cycles help in the transfer of matter and energy between the biosphere and geosphere.

3. Energy transfer: Solar energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, leading to heating of the geosphere. This heat is then transferred to the atmosphere through processes like conduction, convection, and radiation. The biosphere also relies on this energy for photosynthesis and other metabolic processes.

4. Geological processes: The geosphere plays a role in the cycling of matter and energy through processes like weathering, erosion, and volcanic activity. These processes can release or store nutrients and gases, affecting the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere.

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A person who is overweight or obese is most likely at risk for which disorder? Sleep disorder

Cognitive Disorder

Immune disorder

Blood disorder


The answer to this question is all of the above. 
A person who is overweight or obese is most likely at risk for:
Sleep disorder
Cognitive Disorder
Immune disorder
Blood disorder

>Obesity causes alterations to immune functions. It may also affect the brain and would likely to contribute cognitive problems. Obese people have high risks to elevated blood pressure. They also sleep less compared to those who have normal weights. 


D.) blood disorder


Yes, all are correct but this one is most common.

What is regeneration?


Regeneration is the ability to gain something back again.

the action or process of regenerating or being regenerated, in particular the formation of new animal or plant tissue.

Which is an example of positive gravitropism?a. the plant shoot growing up out of the soil
b. the plant flower opening with the sunrise
c. the plant root growing down into the soil
d. the plant turning towards the sun



c. the plant root growing down into the soil


The plant root going down deep into the soil is an example of positive gravitropism. Gravity pulls everything towards the center of earth i.e. downwards and roots follow the direction of gravity automatically by growing downward towards soil that is why it is known as positive gravitropism. In short we can say that root favors the direction of gravity.

Shoot on the other hand show negative geotropism/gravitropism i.e. it grows towards the opposite direction of gravity. Shoot grow towards upside direction i.e. away from the surface towards sky.

A plant's photoperiod is the amount of time each day that the plant receives sunlight. A plant with a 12L:12D photoperiod receives 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark per day. A researcher investigated whether photoperiod affects the development of flower buds in chrysanthemums, a type of flowering plant. She maintained three samples of chrysanthemums that did not initially have any flower buds under different photoperiods. After two weeks, the researcher recorded the presence or absence of flower buds in each sample. The researcher's results are shown in the table. Sample Photoperiod Results 1 13L:11D fully developed flower buds formed on all plants 2 14L:10D partly developed flower buds formed on some plants 3 15L:9D no buds formed on any plant Which statement is best supported by the researcher's findings?





Based on the photoperiod there are two types of plants -  

a) Short day plant  

b) Long day plant

Here the term short and long day do not mean that the provided length of day are the critical length of day required for reproduction. But opposite to that it means that the length of the day required for reproduction must be  

a) Shorter than the defined length of day for short day plant  

b) And longer than the defined length of day for long day plant  

Chrysanthemums  is a short day plant and thus option 1 with 13L:11D will produce fully developed flower buds

Option A is correct 13L:11D

Final answer:

The researcher's findings illustrate that photoperiod greatly affects the development of chrysanthemum buds, with longer periods of light exposure reducing bud formation. The mechanism behind this is likely due to photoperiodism, a biological response that allows plants to regulate their growth based on day length.


The researcher's findings suggest that the photoperiod, or duration of light exposure, significantly impacts the development of flower buds in chrysanthemums. In the experiment, chrysanthemums with a 13L:11D photoperiod produced fully developed flower buds. In contrast, the plants with a 14L:10D photoperiod produced only partly developed buds and those with a 15L:9D photoperiod did not develop any buds. It is evident from these results that there is a decrease in bud formation with an increase in light hours. Chrysanthemums, therefore, seem to need a specific balance of light and darkness for optimal flower bud development.

The mechanism behind this is likely related to photoperiodism, a biological response to the timing and duration of day and night that controls flowering and other growth in plants. Plants use the phytochrome system to sense changes in day length, which is an essential indicator of season. This system allows them to regulate their physiological activities, such as flowering, accordingly. So, the results of this study underline the importance of photoperiodism in flowering plants.

Learn more about Photoperiodism here: