Erin is only 17 years old and her total cholesterol is 600 mg/dL. Why do you think her cholesterol is so much higher than the others in her family who have familial hypercholesterolemia?


Answer 1
Answer: Familial hypercholesterolemia is a genetic disorder defined by having high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Maybe Erin doesn't care that much on having this disease. His lifestyle is not healthy. He does not exercise and eats everything he wants not thinking about the consequences that it may give.
Answer 2

Hypercholesterolemia can be defined as the genetic disorder in which the patient have abnormally high levels of blood cholesterol. The family of Erin suffers from familial hypercholesterolemia, so every member of the family have to take better care of what they eat, and exercise regularly to keep their cholesterol levels in check. All the members of the family are prone to high cholesterol levels as this is a genetic disorder. Erin probably does not pay attention to her diet and exercise and thus, she have such high levels of cholesterol as compared to her family members.

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The correct answer is the second option. If a person were fasting and hadn’t eaten for several days in a row, protein is most likely the source of energy would the body use as a last resort. Protein calories is used as an energy source when the body lacks fat or carbohydrate since it is also one of proteins function to supply energy.




Can someone pls answer these multiple-choice questions, will mark as brainliest.


Awnser b is correct

What is meant by anterior and posterior region in our body?


"Anterior" means 'nearer to the front'.  The anterior region of the body
is the region that includes the parts that are nearer to the front, like
toes and eyes.

"Posterior" means 'further back in position'.  The posterior region of the
body is the region that includes the parts whose position is further back,
like buttocks and heels.