Our esteem based needs are met by developing self respect and achieving our porsonal goals


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for this question is True. Our esteem-based needs are met by developing self-respect and achieving our personal goals. 
Answer 2

It’s true idiots


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Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in


Developing skill-related components of fitnesswill result in improvements in sport-specific performances. The differentskill-related components of fitness are: agility, balance, coordination, speed,power, and reaction time. Professional athletes are known to excel in all ofthese areas.
In order foran individual to gradually develop these skills, he/she must include specificactivities that suit each component. If an individual wants to improve agilityin basketball, he can practice through running around cone drills. This isbecause agility is the ability of the body to change directions from one pointto another. The same goes if an individual wants to improve balance ingymnastics, he/she must perform more routines on balance beams to develop thisskill. 

Thetraining program should always be sport-specific, meaning what the athlete issupposed to do exactly in a game, in order to develop the differentskill-related components of fitness.

Final answer:

Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance and reduced risk of injuries.


Developing skill-related components of fitness will result in improved performance in activities that require these specific skills. These components include agility, speed, power, coordination, balance, and reaction time. For example, a basketball player who works on improving their agility and coordination will be able to move more quickly and efficiently on the court, leading to better performance in the game.

By developing these skills, athletes can enhance their overall athletic abilities and excel in their chosen sport or activity. These skill-related components of fitness are important for athletes in many different sports, such as soccer, gymnastics, martial arts, and track and field.

In addition to improving performance, developing these skill-related components of fitness can also help prevent injuries. For instance, a soccer player who has good balance and coordination will be less likely to trip or fall during a game, reducing the risk of sprains or fractures. Therefore, it is crucial for athletes to focus on developing these skills in order to maximize their potential and minimize the risk of injuries.

Learn more about Skill-related components of fitness here:



Please pass this on... ( #helpsavelives )Who ever is reading this:

I love u.

U matter.

The world needs u

hang in there ik it may be bad but u deserve the world <3

ur beautiful no matter ur shape, size, color, gender, sexuality... anything

don't give up i need u to live.

i wish i could take everyones problems so yall wouldn't have to have em but i cant so just know ily and if anyone needs to talk u can talk to me

Pls pass this on. Everyone deserves to know this. ♥️♥️

i passed it on now it's ur turn.........pass it on





Doing exercise can change the body and the way it functions.
a. True
b. False


True. But this will affect the body in many beneficial ways. Exercise is known to induce a faster rate in the body's metabolism causing the person to lose weight or feel vibrant. Aside from this, many experts suggest that exercising is always a smart move and a highly recommended activity as individuals age. Together with a strict diet, exercise prevents chronic diseases (e.g. heart conditions, asthma) to happen. It actually improves the quality of life in individuals and should be done at least 30 minutes every day for 3 alternating days within the week. 
Doing exercise can change the body and the way it functions.

Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood to capillaries.T





Arteries carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to capillaries. On the contrary, veins carry blood without oxygen from the capillaries to the heart. Arteries are very flexible and yet strong blood vessels so efficient transport of oxygen-rich blood through the organism is performed.


It is true on edgunuity


pls mark brainliest

Write the meaning of enviroment education​


A process that allows individuals to explore environmental issues and how to improve the environment ect
allow you to explore

How old must you be in order to complete an organ donor card?


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services state that you can be any age to complete an organ donor card. People under the age of 18 must have permission from their guardian(s). 
I believe it depends on the state you are in but 18 to sign it without a parents consent.