What was the main reason European countries set up colonies?


Answer 1
Answer: To increase their wealth and power which gained income and raw materials.

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How did ancient African cultures adapt to their harsh environments and establish powerful kingdoms?

They had different climates and natural resources of Africa which gave them opportunities for developing many different lifestyles. Around 500 b.c., the people of West Africa had iron-making technology which helped a lot in many different ways. 

By adapting to their environment and get all their resources that is needed to survive. For example, there are droughts in Africa. So, they need to collect as much water as they can. 

Which of the following is an example an a national state dispute that could not be solved by the constitution?(a) fighting in the Mexican war (b) secession of states during the civil war (c) the addition of the Louisiana territory (d) passing that no child left behind Act


I choose (b) secession of states during the civil war.  It was unconstitutional to secede from the Union.  When Lincoln was elected President of the United States, many in the South feared that it would mark the end of slavery which many of the plantation class relied on. Rather than let that happen, they seceded from the Union and this led to Civil War.

Which is a tool used to implement economic foreign policy?


One of the tool used to implement economic foreign policy is : Humanitarian Aid.
The humanitarian aid  policies involved in helping the people around the world and relieve their suffering, such as suffering from hunger, war, discrimination , or poor education

Which group convinced President James Madison to go to war with England in 1812? A. land-hungry politicians from the West and South B. angry veterans of the Revolutionary War C. wealthy shipbuilders from New England D. radical members of the Federalist Party


Answer: A. land-hungry politicians from the West and South.

The people who most supported the idea of war were a group of young Congressmen from the West and South known as the "War Hawks." These congressmen were particularly land-hungry, and their desire for war was driven by their expansionists interests. They wanted to add territories such as those of Canada and Florida to the territory of the United States, as well as to continue pushing the frontier West into indigenous lands. This group was particularly influential in Madison's decision to declare war to Great Britain.

In Congress, there were about 20 men, called "War Hawks" that pressured Madison to declare war on Britain to stop the British from attack American ships and impressing their sailors in the British Navy.

I think the answer is A.

3. How did the passage of the 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution impact the political processinthe United States?
a) Women were allowed to contribute to political campaigns.
Women were allowed to hold citizenship rights.
women were allowed to hold public offices.
women were allowed to vote in national elections




The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted American women the right to vote, a right known as women's suffrage, and was ratified on August 18, 1920, ending almost a century of protest. Anthony and other activists, raised public awareness and lobbied the government to grant voting rights to women. One study found that as American women gained the right to vote in different parts of the country, child mortality rates decreased by up to 15 percent. Another study found a link between women's suffrage in the United States with increased spending on schools and an uptick in school enrollment.

What are major denominations of hinduism?


The 4 major traditions are: Vaishnavism, Shaivism, Shaktism and Smartism