Which character will later die in France? Howie Newsom, the milkman George, Emily's boyfriend Joe Crowell, the paperboy


Answer 1
Answer: The answer for your question would be : Howie newsom

The character that will later die in france is Howie Newsome
, The milk man which is also a fixture of Grover's corner

Hope this helps

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semi-colon, your answer is a semi-colon

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The opening material that introduces the characters and situation of a play is the "exposition". Expositions in general give details and a background on something that is to come. They can be especially useful in plays in order to provide crucial information to the audience. 




What is the name of a long speech made by a character that other characters hear called?A. an aside
B. a dialogue
C. a monologue
D. a soliloquy


The answer is letter c.   A monologue is a kind of speech which isdelivered by one person . It is a long one-sided conversation.  On this dramatic device, only one person doesthe talking. 

An aside is a device used in dramawherein a character speaks to the audience and the audience, in convention, isto realize that the speech of the character is unheard by the other characterson stage.
A dialogue on the other hand is a spokenor written exchange of conversation between two or more people.
Soliloquy comes from the Latin words “solo”and “loquor”  which means “to oneself “ and“ I talk”, respectively. It is a device commonly used in drama whereby thecharacter speaks to himself or herself, conveying thoughts and feelings,thereby sharing them with the audience.

Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase? The cricket beneath my window is singing its evening song.
a. The cricket
b. its evening song
c. is singing
d. beneath my window


An adjective phrase or adjectival phrase is a phrase that describes andmodifies the noun. It could be used as attributive or predicative. Attributiveadjective is included in the in the noun phrase it modifies while predicativeadjective is not included in the noun phrase it modifies.In the sentence given above:Thecricket beneath my window is singing its evening song.

The adjectivephrase is b. itsevening songThe ‘evening’ describes the noun ‘song’.
d. beneath my window, you are describing where the cricket is 

A statement we accept without proof is called a: A) theorem. B) definition. C) postulate. D) term.


A statement we accept without proof is called a C. postulate, also known as an axiom. It is something we know is true, and we don't need to prove its correctness given that it is general and universal truth that it is so. Postulates are often used in mathematics and philosophy and logic.




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