Discuss significant similarities and differences that the role os sales promotion plays among consumer, trade channel, and business markets.


Answer 1


Sale promotion is an important component of the marketing communicating strategy along with advertising, public relation and personal selling. promotion is a marketing activity that adds to the common value hypothesis behind a product for a limited time to arouse consumer purchasing, selling effectiveness. The manufacturer used trade sales for the promotion to meet the handful of the objectives. All are geared towards encouraging retailers or other re-seller to sell their more products. To influence retailers to carry their products, the Romeo brothers have offers the incentive. They offered a trade allowance or special of the order placed during the fancy food show. Each of them comes out with the point of purchase display since the product is new. As you remember that the marketers twice as on sales promotion as they do on marketing.

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Is it ok that one in a gang​


No it is not okay because being in a gang is horrible and you can never get out and you can get killed and do bad things that they force you too like rob or fight and you will get into some promblems with the police and people and then end up in jail being in a gang is so bad




Which statement best describes how to Makkah and the Nootka of the Pacific Northwest used local resources to survive?A. They dug irrigation canals to bring water to fields for farming.
B. They adapted horses and made bows and arrows to hunt bison.
C. They caught sea animals to provide food and to make clothing and tools.
D. They dug their homes partially underground to protect against the winter.


Answer: C


None of the other answers make sense when you identify the Makkah and the Nootka Native American tribes.

the answer is C :) there you go buddy

Late 19th-century anthropologists who saw "primitive" societies as presenting an early stage in the development of religion were using the:



Evolutionary approach.


An evolutionary approach is a pattern or system of using evolutionary ideas in studying and learning about an individual's cultural beliefs and behavior, habits etc. This approach is used by anthropologists to try and explain how humans evolve through the ages.

In taking the "primitive" societies as the early stage in the development of religions, anthropologists are using the evolutionary approach. In this way, they are turning to the evolution process/ system to determine and learn about religious development.

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Shweder and colleagues (1997) argued that Kohlberg's model of moral reasoning was limited and reflected just one code of ethics, the ethics of Autonomy. Shweder added two more Codes of Ethics to this original one (autonomy) - what were the two new Codes of Ethics



ethic of community

ethic of divinity


ethics of Autonomy means are to be left alone

ethic of community :

people are part of groups are more than the sum of its parts


Western insistence that people should design their own lives and pursue their own goals seems selfish and dangerous

can weaken the social fabric and destroy the institutions and collective entities upon which everyone depends.

ethic of divinity:

people are children of God and should behave accordingly

societies therefore develop moral concepts such as sanctity and sin

personal liberty of secular Western nations looks like hedonism

According to learning theorists_____________.a. behavior arises from moral beliefs.b. moral beliefs arise from a habit of moral behavior that is the product of reinforcement.c. negative reinforcement is the most effective way to teach moral belief.d. moral behavior arises through reason.



b. moral beliefs arise from a habit of moral behavior that is the product of reinforcement


  • According to the learning theories, the moral behavior is one that arise for the habits of the set of behavioral patterns and is a product of the reinforcements that leads to the outcomes of that behavior and cognitive constructivist and design/brain-based, humanism and explains that students learn ad observe and process knowledge during learning and all play a part of the understanding and is acquired by the skills, etc.

Final answer:

According to learning theorists, moral behavior and beliefs are the result of a complex interplay of cognitive, behavioral, observational, and habit formation processes. Notably, the theories of B.F. Skinner, Lawrence Kohlberg, Albert Bandura, and Aristotle stress the influence of habit and reinforcement, observational learning, moral reasoning, and the socialization process in developing moral behavior.


The question posed seems to relate to various learning theorists and their understanding of how behavior, and particularly moral behavior, arises. Both psychologists and normative theorists have made relevant contributions to this field, discussing the relationship between behavior, learning, and morality.

Firstly, psychology's B.F. Skinner believed that behavior is driven by the consequences we receive for our actions, a theory often referred to as reinforcement. This aligns with option b. of your question, suggesting that moral beliefs could arise from a habit of moral behavior, and is a product of reinforcement. This is tied to the theory of operant conditioning.

Also in psychology, Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development and Albert Bandura's Observational learning model also contribute here. Kohlberg's model suggests that we learn what is 'good' and 'bad' through socialization, moving through several stages of moral reasoning. Bandura, on the other hand, proposed that a lot of our learning is observational; we learn by observing the behavior of others and its consequences.

On the philosophical side, Aristotle argued that moral virtues arise through habit, not inherently by nature. This theory suggests that by repeating a 'right' behavior, we become better at choosing it in various situations, indicating that moral behavior is a product of consistent moral action

In conclusion, most learning theorists seem to agree more with option b. that moral beliefs arise from a habit of moral behavior that is the product of reinforcement. However, it's crucial to note that learning theorists also emphasize that the development of moral behavior and beliefs isn't solely dependent on one factor. It involves a complex interplay of cognitive, behavioral, observational, and habitual mechanisms.

Learn more about Learning Theories and Moral Behavior here:

