Teresa y yo siempre____ la verdad


Answer 1
Answer: decimos (present tense, nosotros form of Decir - to say.)
Answer 2
Answer: Teresa y yo siempre decimos la verdad.

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Paises donde se desarrollo el romanticismo


Answer: Countries where Romanticism develops

Germany and england



realmente el romanticismo ha existido desde hace muco tiempo no estoy seguro pero creo que desde cristo mas o menos pero puede ser que otros paises lo hayan caracterizado aun mas y porque. el romanticismo fue creado en estados unidos u otros paises de el norte cuando Emily Monroe empezo a hacer cosas sensuales empezo o se desarrollo todo lo de ser mas romantico.


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the answer will be     tienes.
Cuantos anos Tienes tu

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Merienda which means snack
the answer is merienda

Can a triangle have one obtuse angle and one right angle? Explain.


no, because the interior angles of A triangle equal 180 degrees. it has to have 3 angles to be a triangle... a right angle is 90 degrees, and an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees. which means that you would have a triangle with more than 180 degrees, which we know you can't have.

Answer: No a triangle cannot have a right angle and an obtuse angle.

Explanation: It would violate the theorem of the sum of the interior angles of a triangle summing up to 180 degrees. We know that sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. If we assume that one angle is right angle of 90 degrees and other angle be obtuse angle of x such that x> 90 degrees.  Sum of the 2 angles is then 90+x>180 degrees. It cannot be possible due to equation. Therefore our initial assumption of x>90 degrees is incorrect and so the statement is false by the method of indirect proof.