In the late 20th century, immigrants who moved from former colonies to their former imperial nations tended to settle inrural areas where land was available
metropoles where jobs were available
the suburbs where schools were located
hamlets that resemble their homelands


Answer 1
Answer: In the late 20th century, immigrants who moved from former colonies to their former imperial nations tended to settle in metropoles where jobs were available. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. People needed money to survive. I hope the answer helps.
Answer 2

The correct answer is B) metropoles were jobs were available.

In the late 20th century, immigrants who moved from former colonies to their former imperial nations tended to settle in metropoles were jobs were available.  

The migration to England during the late 20th century represented the opportunity for many people and their families to get back to their former countries and cities. The majority of them went back to their European countries and especially, England. When they got back, the tried to settle in the larger cities where fabrics and employment opportunities were more than the rural areas. Farming in rural areas was not an option for the people. So In the late 20th century, immigrants who moved from former colonies to their former imperial nations tended to settle in metropoles were jobs were available.  

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