If a friend changes the password on your phone how do you get into it if you dont know the password


Answer 1
Answer: Ask your friend to tell you the password

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What happens if a factor analysis item doesn't load on pattern matrix in SPSS?




In factor analysis, items are said to "load" on factors when they exhibit a strong correlation with a particular factor. If an item doesn't load on the factor pattern matrix in SPSS, it means that the item does not show a significant correlation with any of the factors extracted from the data. There can be several reasons for an item not loading on the factor pattern matrix:

1. **Low Correlation:** The item might not have a strong enough correlation with any of the underlying factors. This could indicate that the item is not capturing the same underlying construct as the other items.

2. **Cross-Loading:** An item might show relatively high correlations with multiple factors. This suggests that the item is not distinct enough to be associated with a single factor and might indicate issues with the item's wording or construct validity.

3. **Measurement Error:** If an item is subject to substantial measurement error, it might not load well on any factor. This can occur when an item is unclear or not properly designed to measure the intended construct.

4. **Sample Characteristics:** The lack of loading can sometimes be influenced by the specific characteristics of the sample being analyzed. If the sample is not diverse or if there is limited variability in responses, certain items might not exhibit the expected patterns of correlation.

5. **Factor Extraction Method:** The factor extraction method used can also affect whether items load on factors. Different extraction methods (e.g., Principal Component Analysis, Maximum Likelihood) can yield different results in terms of which items load on which factors.

6. **Number of Factors:** If the number of factors chosen for extraction is too low or too high, it might impact which items load on the pattern matrix. An incorrect number of factors can lead to factors being either overly broad or overly specific.

When an item doesn't load on the factor pattern matrix, researchers often consider whether the item is conceptually relevant to the construct being measured, whether it was designed appropriately, and whether the overall measurement model needs adjustments. Depending on the context, you might choose to remove the item, reword it, or conduct additional analyses to explore why it's not loading as expected.

Final answer:

When a factor analysis item doesn't load on the pattern matrix in SPSS, it means that the item does not have a strong relationship with any of the identified factors. This could be due to measurement error, low variability in responses, or the item not tapping into the underlying construct being measured.


Factor analysis is a statistical technique used to identify underlying factors or dimensions in a set of observed variables. In SPSS, the pattern matrix is a key output of factor analysis. It shows the relationship between the observed variables and the underlying factors.

When an item doesn't load on the pattern matrix, it means that the item does not have a strong relationship with any of the identified factors. This could be due to various reasons:

  1. Measurement error: The item may have measurement errors, such as unclear wording or response options, leading to a weak relationship with the factors.
  2. Low variability: If the item has low variability in responses, it may not provide enough information to establish a strong relationship with the factors.
  3. Irrelevant item: The item may not tap into the underlying construct being measured, resulting in a weak or non-existent relationship with the factors.

When an item doesn't load on the pattern matrix, it is important to investigate the reasons behind it. Consider reviewing the item's wording, response options, and relevance to the construct being measured. Removing or modifying the item may be necessary to improve the factor structure and interpretation of the analysis.

Learn more about factor analysis here:



The invention of the automobile contributed to the increase of urban sprawl. True or False


I feel that this is true. With the invention of the automobile citizens were able to start mobilizing and moving from place to place. This then started the process of urbanization and the expansion of multi million dollar corporations.




Beth instructed her workers to use a particular material in building a house. This material decayed due to bacteria and insects. Which material did she tell her workers to use?A.


The answer: Option C




What company built its first computer from a wooden box


Apple built the Apple 1 in 1976. The personal computer had a circuit board that was placed into a wooden box, to become the first computer built by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. This was the company’s first personal computer.


Apple Computers


    In 1976 Apple was founded, with partners Steve Jobs (still active today) and Steve Wozniak, who, while not as well-known as the partner, did almost all the hard work of development. A curiosity is that Apple was only founded because the Apple I project (developed by the two in their spare time) was rejected by Atari and HP.

  The Apple I was sold already assembled. The board was sold “naked”, mounted on a wooden board and packed in a cardboard box, so it was common for Apple I to be installed inside handcrafted wooden boxes.

__________ "is/are the technology used to transform inputs into outputs"


Answer:System process

A systemprocess is a technology used to transform inputs into outputs, basically torender products and services. In addition, the important internal factor withinthe system is the quality of the product. This system has four componentsnamely; inputs, transformation, outputs and feedback.

The answer is system process.  The technology used to transform inputs into outputs is system process.  The System process is a kernel mode process which runs system threads (the kernel and loaded device drivers) taking care of network i/o and/or disk i/o.  

Which hardware device should he consider upgrading in order to increase the system's storage space?


He should consider upgrading his harddrive to increase the systems storage space.