Two precautions in images of a convex lens


Answer 1


1 . rays should passs through correct center or points(i.e. optic center or focus)

2.your line representing rays should be straight and u should tell the nature of image


Answer 2
Answer: Your lines resenting should be straight

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3. Usinθ


The vertical component of velocity of any object reaching maximum height is 0 and the horizontal component of velocity of any object in flight remains constant.

Therefore the horizontal component of velocity is Ucosθ for both objects at any given time.

At maximum height A is having 0 vertical velocity but B which just starting its flight is having Usinθ as its vetical component of velocity.

Velocity of B relative to A = Velocity of B - Velocity of A

As velocity can be resolved to components,( to simplify the sum )

Horizontal component of velocity of B relative to A = Horizontal component of velocity of B - Horizontal component of velocity of A

which is 3. Usinθ

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Hi There! :)

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I tried dude, but someone got rid of my helpful resource...