In How to read literature like a professor by Thomas foster, what is a thesis statement for chapter 2?


Answer 1


a thesis statement identifies the topic of discussion clearly, encapsulates the point in one or two sentences. i hope this helps you find it out better!


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people that can't afford to pay for schooling can get a loan from the government so they can go to the school of their choice.

Based on Robert Frost’s poem "The Road Not Taken,” which line most supports the theme that the desire to have it all often makes decisions difficult?


The line in Robert Frost's 'The Road Not Taken' that most supports the theme that the desire to have it all often makes decisions difficult is: "And sorry I could not travel both", as he laments that he cannot take both courses when standing in the fork of a road on the woods, knowing that he will probably won't have another chance to do so.


Sometimes the desire to have it all makes some decisions very difficult.


edg 2021

Which of the following sentences does not properly use a subordinating conjunction? A. You stay put unless I call for you. B. I will refuse his demands because they are outrageous. C. As the man said, what comes around goes around. D. He acts like he's going to cry.


1.It's A because 'as' should have been used, meaning 'which'. 'I will refuse his demands which are outrageous '. 2.But' unless' has nothing to do with the context provided in C because 'until' should have fitted here.

Which group of words is an appositive phrase? The girl from St. Augustine, a town in Florida, is coming to visit for Thanksgiving. A) to visit B) is coming C) a town in Florida D) from St. Augustine


The correct answer is C) "a town in Florida".

An appositve phrase is a noun or noun phrase that renames or explain another noun which is located right next to the appositive phrase.

The apposive phrase should be between commas. In this case, the phrase "a town in Florida" is explaining or renaming the noun "St. Augustine" and is placed between commas.

The answer is C. An appositive phrase is where a noun is restated. "A town in Florida" is right next to the noun, St. Augustine. C. restates the noun in a different way, right next to the noun, St. Augustine. 

Javier felt remorse for the woman who died A) the noun is Javi
B)the noun is the remorse
C)the noun is the woman
D)all of the above is true


The correct answer is D) all of the above.

A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea. Javier is a person, remorse is an idea, and the woman is a person. 

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start of as who you are. for example, My name is_____, and i  live in______(etc./and so on