According to the Open Door policy, China’s ability to tax trade A.inspired some countries to levy their own taxes. B.discouraged some nations from trading there. C.angered Japan and Russia. D.encouraged fair trade for all countries.


Answer 1

The correct answer is D) encouraged fair trade for all countries.

According to the open door policy, China’s ability to tax trade encouraged fair trade for all countries.

The term “Open door Policy” in China refers to the political and economic decision to open China’s border to international trade. It was Dieng Xiaoping who made the decision in 1978 to invite international investors to invest their money in China. That decision changed the life of China that nowadays are one of the strongest economies of the world and a forerunner in technology.

Answer 2
Answer: D is the correct answer

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Which factor contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty?A. Overfarming and urbanization depleted the natural resources of both regions.

B. Populations in both regions declined from illnesses that spread quickly.

C. Wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires.

D. Lack of technological advancements left both cultures lagging


The correct answer is C) wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires.

The factor that contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is that wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires.

The Han Dynasty declined due to internal political disputes among people in power and rebellion form peasants that were tired of heavy taxation. The Roman Empire declined due to divisions and political differences among the elite and the extensión of its large territory made difficult to control. That is why the factor that contributed to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty is that wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires.  

Final answer:

The factor common to the collapse of both the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty was the consistent threats and invasions from neighboring lands, which weakened both entities considerably.


The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were two of the most powerful entities of their time. Among the factors that led to their collapse, historians primarily highlight invasions by external forces. Hence, option C: 'Wars with invaders from neighboring lands weakened both empires' is correct. Both of these empires fell victim to the constant threat of invasions and wars, which drained their resilience and resources. In the Roman Empire's case, invasions by the Visigoths and other Germanic tribes played a significant role. The Han Dynasty, on the other hand, struggled with invasions by the Xiongnu and other frontier tribes.

Learn more about Collapse of Empires here:


Write a two paragraph reflection of the naturalization process.-What is the purpose of the naturalization process?
-Does the process work well? In other words, does process achieve its goals?
-Would you change the process if you could? Explain why you would or why you would not make a change. If you would include are you would change the naturalization process.​



- to naturalize aliens and become citizens

- this process works well and achieves its goals in 5 easy steps, although it is time consuming

-I would change an and make the test shorter, since it takes up to an hour, and most people d not need to know this.

Explanation: just add more words and comments about these pints and you get 2 paragraphs, n paragraph in 4 sentences therefore you only need 8 sentences.

Final answer:

The naturalization process aims to legally confer U.S. citizenship upon foreign citizens who have fulfilled the required conditions. The process does achieve its primary goal of bringing individuals into society as citizens, however, it can be complex, lengthy and costly. Therefore, some might wish to alter the process to make it more accessible.


The purpose of the naturalization process is to legally confer U.S. citizenship upon foreign citizens or nationals who have fulfilled the requirements established by the Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). This process does not merely represent a legal status but also signifies a person's full membership and commitment to the responsibilities and benefits of U.S. citizenship.

With respect to the efficacy of the process, it can be argued that the naturalization process works well in achieving its primary goal of conferring citizenship status and integrating individuals into society. However, the process can be complex and lengthy, often requiring legal counsel, language proficiency, and an understanding of U.S. history and government. As such, some might propose changes such as easing the pathway to citizenship, increasing resources for applicants, and reducing or eliminating fees.

Learn more about Naturalization Process here:


What event increased U.S. spending on education and technology


When the Soviet Union first launched their satellite to space, the United States agreed to increase the budget for education and technology especially on the technology that involves space. After that, the United States was able to send the first man to ever be on the moon. 

In california, prisoners were racially segregated each time they entered a new correction facility, as a way of preventing gang-related violence. this unwritten policy was reviewed by the u.s. supreme court in 2005, in the case of johnson v. california. what was the court's ruling, and why?


In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court case of JohnsonV. California go through that unwritten policy and held that the policy was unconstitutionalfor the reason that it didn’t help a persuasive state concern and that is irrelevantto the legitimate security needs of the prisoners. 

Which country is not a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council?a. the United States
c. China
b. Germany
d. France


Germany is not a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, primarily due to the fact that much of the United Nations was created by the Allies after World War II. 

Who did many see as the main aggressor during World War I?a. France
b. England
c. Germany
d. Austria-Hungary


Well, generally, many people think its the Germans (but they are confusing WW2 with WW1), when in reality, the Serbs were the ones that assassinated the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which case, Austria-Hungary retaliated in which case, Germany joined in with Austria. But since there was a web of alliances, Russia came to the aid of Serbia but France was allied with Russia so it joined with Russia. But to invade France, Germany crossed over through Belgium which the British had an agreement with them so that forced them to come to their aid in the fight against Germany.

Note: This is only a small list of the countries involved

So getting back to the question, the bottom line is, Austria-Hungary was the aggressor even though Germany often gets blamed

Edit: Austria-Hungary is seen starting the fuse but you asked who "Many see as the aggressor" so I guess that would be Germany since many blame Germany since it invaded Belgium

The answer is Germany