Which statement best describes the passage?


Answer 1

Answer: it is a part of a process.

Explanation: I don't know. It is just like that.

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The answer is B. Ms. O'Rourke is waiting outside, Mr. Martinez.The comma should separate the name being addressed so A should have a comma after Sir, C should have one after Kelly as well, and D should have one before Megan.

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could be a mixture of them all.. it will most likely be contagious diseases in my opinion
it could be contagious disease because the family is on a island filled with bacteria, one family member might catch the disease.

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As I see the events, I wouldn't quit surfing because of that accident, because even if she had one of the worst experiences throughout her entire life, if Surfing was as meaningful for me as it is for her, I wouldn't let a bad experience to separate me from what I love, from what gives me life and makes me happy! Also, I would also be satisfied of knowing that watching me surf encourages other people to overcome their difficulties.

As for the character, I'm sure she felt terrified about what was happening to her. Surely she had to undergo a long recovery time after her accident, but I'm sure that she was pretty anxious during that time, so when she finally came back to surfing, she did her best to be as good or even better than she was before the accident.

What is Maria's advice to Bruno after their talk?


Maria gives some advice to Bruno to 'keep safe' by telling him to 'Just keep quite about it, Bruno. Don't you know how much trouble you could cause'. This shows that Maria wants the best for Bruno and that she wants him to be safe as seen through the fact that she, who is meant to be there 'slave', is giving him advice. I think that it is good advice for Bruno because it shows that he needs to be good and it is a good foundation for principals about respecting elders and there decisions.

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A musician

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Why does the wolf pack finally go away? A. The she-wolf leads the pack back to the den. B. Other men on sleds come. C. Henry scares them away by sitting inside a ring of fire. D. They find food in another place.


I just took this quiz and the answer is A.

D.they find food in another place.