How is the conflict between Scrooge and the two charity men resolved in "Stave I: Marley's Ghost"? A. Scrooge calls the police on the men. B. The men leave without collecting any money. C. The men run away in fear. D. Scrooge agrees to give them a small donation.


Answer 1
Answer: They leave without money

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Using force or trying to persuade someone through sarcasm or irony could be viewed as one of the worst ways to persuade someone into believing something you want to prove.
the worst way to persuade someone is force

What did FDR accuse japan of doing


Franklin D Roosevelt or (FDR) was the 32nd President of the United States from 1933-1945. In his infamous speech on the day of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, he accused the Japanese government of giving the illusion that peace talks were underway when actually the decided to bomb Pearl Harbor without any prior warning.

bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces, he accused the Japanese government of giving the illusion that peace talks were underway when actually the decided to bomb Pearl Harbor without any prior warning.

10 Points1) The word novel is borrowed from the Italian word novella (Henry 235). Defining exactly what a novel is can be hard work. The standard dictionary definition is "a fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters" ("Novel"). Novels in some way represent life. The representations, however, occur in a narrative about life and experience. Since the novel can represent life, such fiction can be serious. The seriousness begins when the novel deals with humankind in a way that shows its importance and significance within the fictional world of the novel. The world of a novel varies greatly from author to author because each writer creates a new fictional world for a new work. That world may be all the relationships of a whole nation or of a very small town. That world may be as confined as the captain's cabin on a ship or as open as a little island. That world may also be as withdrawn as the farthest recesses of the human mind. Novels are important as they entertain and instruct the readers through a variety of life experiences.
What is the authors tone towards the subject
A)it is detached
B)it is interested
C)it is frustrated
D) it is mocking

2) Which of the following is an appropriate topic for a five page research paper
A)sleeping habits of two-year olds
B) the hierarchy of dolphin pods
C) how the pen was created
D) Benjamin Franklin’s writing and how they affected the American government

3) The word novel is borrowed from the Italian word novella (Henry 235). Defining exactly what a novel is can be hard work. The standard dictionary definition is "a fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters" ("Novel"). Novels in some way represent life. The representations, however, occur in a narrative about life and experience. Since the novel can represent life, such fiction can be serious. The seriousness begins when the novel deals with humankind in a way that shows its importance and significance within the fictional world of the novel. The world of a novel varies greatly from author to author because each writer creates a new fictional world for a new work. That world may be all the relationships of a whole nation or of a very small town. That world may be as confined as the captain's cabin on a ship or as open as a little island. That world may also be as withdrawn as the farthest recesses of the human mind. Novels are important as they entertain and instruct the readers through a variety of life experiences.
Which sentences are off topic
A)sentences 1-3
B)sentences 1-4
C)sentence 7-8

4)Paragraph from question 1 and 3
What is the purpose of this paragraph
A) to define novels
B) to describe novels
C) to introduce the topic of novels
D)To create interest in the topic of novels


A) why Drew is a better batter
B) Number of home round in the 2005 season
C) The Odyssey Batters
D) Number of outs in the 2004 season


you can mark the person brainlest now that there are two answers

number one is the reade feels interedsted

2) Which of the following is an appropriate topic for a five page research paper is C) how the pen was created

What word is most similar to how dominion is used here


the synonym is authority

What can homeless people see,hear,feel,smell,taste


Homeless people can see the shoes if people rushing past, the dark night when the streets are asleep. The cold stone floor and the sleevs of their coats as they cling on to them, an endless struggle to keep warm with what little they have. They can hear the curses of teenages, the gossip of women, dogs barking, cars passing. The wind howling and the rain pelting the floor. They can feel the sharp, icy wind of the night, lonliness and wanting to belong, to belong to something more than a busy street. They feel scared, depressed, humiliated, like everything, everyone and all you ever knew has abandoned you, forgotten you or betrayed you. They feel like their entire perspective of life has turned upside down. Worst of all, they can feel the eyes, the eyes of people watching them, judging them, children, teens, adults, women, men. The eyes, judging their appearence, trying to piece together a mental landscape of their situation. They can smell the fumes of buses, the stench of their unwashed belongings, dog feceies, rubbish bins, and most painfully, the fast food resterunt a few metets away. They can tase the vile taste of their unwashed teeth and bad breath. The after tase of the coffee that was kindly offered to them last night.
Homeless people can see cars and people walking.
Homeless people can hear cars going past and people chattering
Homeless people can feel cold and lonely
Homeless people can smell delicous food
Homeless people can taste nothing at all.