Interview questions about the use of electric media and its impact on the youth


Answer 1
Answer: One can ask how many hours per day does the youth spend on electronic media?

What do they most often do on electronic media?

Do they think their lives have been changed since they started using electronic media?

These are all good interview questions for such a interview.

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The answer would be A because a virus is surrounded in a protein coat

Which of these is a hallmark of a chronic disease? A. Can be cured with medicine B. Spread through sexual activity C. Contracted from someone else D. Lasts for a long time


The following is a hallmark of a chronic disease: Chronic disease lasts for a long time. Correct answer: D The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics defines a disease as chronic if lasts 3 months or more.  The leading chronic diseases in developed countries include cardiovascular disease such as heart attacks and stroke, diabetes, arthritis, cancer such as breast and colon cancer, ...

I'm pretty sure it's lasts for a long time, so D.

#1:Haploid numbers of chromosomes are usually found in the _____ of an organism.

B:body cells
C:sex cells

#2 :
During _____, chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of the cell.

A:anaphase II
B:telophase II
C:prophrase I
D:metaphase I

The joining of an egg and a sperm is called _______ and it produces a ________.

A:fertilization; sex cell
B:haploid; sex cell
C:fertilization; zygote
D:sexual reproduction; egg


1. A haploid cell contains only one complete set of chromosomes. Haploid numbers of chromosomes are usually found in the sex cells of an organism.

In the body (somatic) cells on the other hand the number of chromosomes is typically a diploid (a pair of each chromosome).

2. During anaphase, chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of the cell.  Correct answer: A

Anaphsase is  is the fourth stage of mitosis which ensures that each daughter cell receives an identical set of chromosomes. During this stage each pair of chromosomes is separated into two identical, independent chromosomes.

3. The joining of an egg and a sperm is called fertilization and it produces a zygote.

During fertilization two haploid gametes produce a diploid zygote. A fertilized egg is called a zygote until it divides into 16 cells, forming a ball-shaped structure called a morula.

1. Sex cells
2. Anaphase
3. Fertilization;zygote

A good way to control portion sizes when you eat at home is to


The best way to do that is to cook the amount of food that you know you SHOULD eat, not how much you WANT to eat.
If you don't cook more food than you should eat, then you can't eat more than you should.

Explain the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.


The lower the level of the pyramid, the more important the needs are. On the most bottom part, you will see physiological needs such as the need for food and water, for shelter and for warmth, while higher up at the top you'll see things such as being esteemed as someone great or being successful at what you do. Those thing are higher because they rare less important for us than physiological needs.

Final answer:

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. It includes physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization. Each level of needs becomes relevant once the preceding levels are sufficiently met.


The Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a model proposed by a psychologist named Abraham Maslow that outlines the motivational needs of humans. Generally depicted as a pyramid, this model comprises of five levels, each representing different types of needs.

At the base of the pyramid, we have Physiological Needs which include the most basic needs for survival such as food, water, and shelter. Following that are Safety Needs, which involve the desire for security and stability. Then comes Belongingness and Love Needs which pertain to the desire for interpersonal relationships and feelings of belongingness. The fourth level is known as Esteem Needs, referring to the need for self-respect, confidence, and recognition from others. Finally, at the top of the pyramid is the need for Self-Actualization, which equates to achieving one's full potential and is realized only after fulfilling the lower needs on the pyramid.

The importance of each of these needs varies from person to person, and the hierarchy also allows for the concept that a higher need may sometimes serve as a motivation before a lower need is fully met. The concept of Self-Actualization remains a key element in the humanistic approach to psychology.

Learn more about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs here:


An athlete has recently changed his diet to include a large amount of protein in order to increase muscle mass. Since this change, he reports decreased energy during the day and poor performance at practice. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms?



The use of proteins as a means to give the body energy, build muscle mass, and take away fat grams, has been in use now for quite some time. The problem with this system is that proteins are not meant to be energy sources, but rather building blocks, and even though the body can use them and transform them into glucose sources when forced due to lack of actual carbs and fat, the process takes a lot of energy from the body itself so that the chemical reactions do in fact provide ATP.

As such it is important to tell anyone who decides to take on a hyper-proteic diet, that during the first few days, even weeks, while the body is able to adjust to the absence of proper energy materials, such as carbs and fat, and use its energy to be able to properly transform proteins into energy providers, instead of simple muscle builders, he will feel a lack of energy, as the body will not be able to produce as much ATP as it did with carbs and fats. Also, the body will need any available energy to produce the chemical reactions that will ensure energy production from proteins. Thus, while the person is digesting protein-rich foods, the body´s temperature will rise, and the person may feel warm, but when the process is done, they may feel a lowering in temperature, especially in the extremeties.