Leone Lattes found a way of using a comparison microscope to improve this technique to better match bullets. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: i think the answer is true

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An example of ____ is when birds feed on parasitic insects they pick off the skin of large animals such as elephants or bison.A. competition
B. predation
C. mutual ism
D. parasitism


C.mutualism, hope i helped
I believe the right answer is c. Mutualism.

When we see chiasmata under a microscope, that lets us know which of the following has occurred? A) asexual reproduction
B) meiosis II
C) anaphase II
D) prophase I
E) separation of homologs


When we see chiasmata under a microscope, that lets us know that prophase I has occurred. During this phase of meiosis, the nuclear envelope breaks up and disappears, and so does nucleolus. The chromosomes become visible at this point.

Which of the following checkpoints determines if DNA replication was successful? a. G2
b. G1
c. M


Checkpoints that determines if DNA replication was successful is a. G2. There are two checkpoints in the cell cycle. The G1 checkpoint is right before the S phase and if something is wrong, phase will not occur. The G2 checkpoint is right before the M phase (mitosis). It is DNA damage checkpoint and it determines if DNA replication was successful.

Which has an important role in how species change over time? A. DNA replication B. cytokinesis C. mutations D. spindle formationv


C. Mutations, this allows them to adept to their surroundings.
That would be C. mutations! can you put mine as brainliest please!

The events of fertilization must occur in a specific sequence because it is a highly ordered process. Demonstrate your understanding of the proper event order by identifying the correct numerical order for these statements. Put the correct number on the blank in front of each statement. _____Semen is ejaculated into the vagina.
_____Prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm.
_____Cell membrane changes electrical characteristics, causing cortical reaction.
_____Sperm migrate through cervix and into uterus.
_____Bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protect sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra.
_____Male and female chromosomes congregate, restoring the diploid (2n) number.
_____Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy for active sperm.
_____Acrosome releases enzymes that break down outer layer of egg’s membrane.
_____Muscles at the base of the bladder contract, forcing semen through the urethra.
_____Sperm is produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis.
_____Sperm encounter oocyte in oviduct (fallopian tube).
_____Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles.



The correct sequence would be:

__1__Sperm is produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis.

__2__Sperm travel through the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles.

__3_Seminal vesicles add a fluid that provides a source of energy for active sperm.

__4__Bulbourethral glands add a fluid that protect sperm from acidic conditions in the urethra.

__5__Prostate gland adds a fluid that protects the sperm.

__6__Muscles at the base of the bladder contract, forcing semen through the urethra.

__7__Semen is ejaculated into the vagina.

__8__Sperm migrate through cervix and into uterus.

__9__Sperm encounter oocyte in oviduct (fallopian tube).

__10_Acrosome releases enzymes that break down outer layer of egg’s membrane.

__11_Cell membrane changes electrical characteristics, causing cortical reaction.

__12_Male and female chromosomes congregate, restoring the diploid (2n) number.

Fertilization is the process by which gametes of the male and female fuse with each other to form a zygote. In humans, it takes place inside the female body.

The events can be categorized as:

Pre-fertilization events: Sperm (or semen) in male and egg in the female is produced in testes (in males) and ovary (if females) respectively. Accessory glands such as seminal vesicle, bulbourethral, and prostate glands help in the formation of sperm in males.

Coitus: During this semen from a male is ejaculated into the vagina of a female with the help of erectile penis.

The semen then passes through the cervix to reach the uterus.

Fertilization: Four events take place to cause successful fertilization; sperm preparation (capacitation followed by acrosomal reaction), binding, a fusion of plasma membranes of sperm and egg, cortical reaction and activation of the egg.

Post-fertilization events: The zygote undergoes cleavage process to mature into an embryo.

There are five general stages in the family life cycle.
a. True
b. False


The correct answer is false
answer is false........