Which of the following best describes where fossil fuels come from


Answer 1
Answer: So Fossil fuels are NOT made up of fossils! 
Now that we know that knowledge, i will tell you why they call it that.
Because these special fuels were made deep underground before the time of the dinosuars! see? (fossil fuels) Now we use these types of fuels to get engines like cars and trains going. But how? Well its the same thing that we eat! accept alot older. Plants from millions of years ago died and decomposed, they too back in the day collected sunlight and went through the process of photosythesis. CREATING ENERGY! So, now that we know the basics we can say fossil fuels come from organic matter that has decomposed under the intense pressure and heat of the Earth's crust.
hope this helps! 
and dont forget 2
Answer 2




Fossil fuels are made from decomposing plants and animals. These fuels are found in the Earth's crust and contain carbon and hydrogen, which can be burned for energy. Coal, oil, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.

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What role did John foster Dulles play in Eisenhower administration


Answer:  Secretary of State

Further context/detail:

The office of Secretary of State is the USA's cabinet-level official in charge of foreign relations and foreign policy.  In other countries, a similar position would be called "Minister of Foreign Affairs."

John Foster Dulles was Secretary of State under President Eisenhower.  He held the office from 1953 to 1959.  He wanted a change from what had been the "containment policy" which the US had followed during the Truman Administration, as recommended then by American diplomat George F. Kennan.   Dulles felt the containment approach put the United States in a weak position, because it only was reactive, trying to contain  communist aggression when it occurred.

Dulles sought to push America's policy in a more active direction; some have labeled his approach "brinksmanship."  In an article in LIFE magazine in 1956, Dulles said, "The ability to get to the verge without getting into the war is the necessary art."  He wasn't afraid to threaten massive retaliation against communist enemy countries as a way of intimidating them.

Dulles was Eisenhower's Secretary of State, which is someone who represents the United States to other foreign countries. He advocated an aggressive stance against Communism, and absolutely despised the idea of it. He also advocated for heavy reparations against Germany after World War 1. 

According to the World Health Organization, if a sample of 1,000 deaths from around the world was taken, the majority of deaths would be in __________.a. developed countries
b. developing countries
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d. the Western Hemisphere


According to the World Health Organization, if a sample of 1,000 deaths from around the world was taken, the majority of deaths would be in "b. developing countries" since developing countries are the poorest. 

The correct answer is - b. developing countries.

Even though the developing countries have the youngest populations in the world, still the life expectancy is the lowest, and there's also still a very high percentage of deaths among the newly born babies. This is due to the poverty, low education, terrible living conditions, lack of fresh water which also is very often not suitable for drinking, the healthcare is on a very low level so diseases spread very easily and cause of lack of treatment very often result in death.

Read the description of René Descartes below. Which step of the scientific method does the description most closely match?René Descartes was a French philosopher born in 1596, a time when many long held beliefs were changing. His new way of thinking led him to decide to doubt everything until he could prove it. His goal was to achieve certainty through methodical and logical questioning.
A. Step 2: Form a hypothesis.
B. Step 3: Test the hypothesis.
C. Step 4: Collect data.
D. Step 1: State the question or observation.


The answer is D. Step 1 State the question or observation. In the statement below, Descartes have not started any test. He was stating his observations of what is happening in his life. He saw that his beliefs were gradually changing. By doing so, Descartes had started to question these changes and thus started to see the problems in these changes

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