The rule of the Qin emperors led to a significant development in China which future rulers also adopted what was that development


Answer 1
Answer: The rule of the Quin emperors led to a significant development in China which future rulers also adopted and that development was Legalism. Lord Shang Yang was a Qin statesman that advocated the policy of legalism during the warring periods. This actually introduced practical and ruthlessness in warfare.
Answer 2


B) China became a unified state with one ruler.


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Mikhail Gorbachev's economic reform efforts in the Soviet Union were called "perestroika.

What was Perestroika

Perestroika, which means "restructuring" or "reform" in Russian, was a series of economic and political reforms initiated by Gorbachev in the mid-1980s.

Gorbachev recognized the need for significant changes to the Soviet economic system, which was plagued by inefficiency, stagnation, and a lack of innovation. Perestroika aimed to introduce elements of market-oriented reforms and decentralize economic decision-making to revitalize the Soviet economy.

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That'd be perestroika which focused on political and economic reformation. Glasnost, the other part of his efforts, was focused on increased transparency and accountability

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As for the political impact Roosevelt was really the first modern president to gain a lot of control. Now what exactly does this mean? Well before him most of the presidents with the exception of a few such as Lincoln or Andrew Jackson were very weak and Roosevelt was the first President, and this trend continues to today, to really take control of power from Congress even though the framers of the Constitution intended the Legislative branch to be the most powerful.  After Roosevelt the executive branch got much larger thanks to the many bureaucratic programs instituted under him and his alphabet soup administration.  Roosevelt even had the gall to threaten to raise the judicial branch from 9 to 13 judges so that he could more-or-less force his legislation through and not have to worry about the constitutionality of it.
So in short, economically he made the government have much more control and created welfare programs and politically he greatly enhanced the powers of the presidency and the executive branch as a whole. Hope this helps.

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the answer is B death. hope this help's man take it easy!
"give me liberty, or give me DEATH." 

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True. The Teapot Dome Scandal was one of the many controversial scandals during the presidency of Harding. His cabinet members were also known to have been involved in many criminal dealings. These things eventually ruined his credibility. He won the presidency because he promised to the American people the country's return to normalcy after World War I. He is known to have support business legislation but limited immigration.




Sumer was located in a region called _____. Mesopotamia, North Africa India, Southeast Asia


Sumer was located in a region called "Mesopotamia" in a region that is now present-day southern Iraq. The main thing that united this civilization was a common Sumerian language. 

Sumer was located in a region called Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia was situated in the fertile crescent, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in what is now modern-day Iraq.

It was one of the earliest and most influential civilizations in the ancient world, flourishing around 4000 to 2300 BCE. The Sumerians, the people of Sumer, made significant contributions to human history, including the development of cuneiform writing, the world's first known form of writing. They also established city-states with advanced governance, architecture, and religious practices. Sumer's irrigation and agricultural innovations enabled them to thrive in a challenging environment, leading to the growth of a complex and prosperous society that laid the groundwork for future civilizations in the region.

To know more about Sumer:


Complete question is:

Sumer was located in a region called _____.

a. Mesopotamia

b. North Africa India

c. Southeast Asia

For a World War II research paper on political regimes, you decide to use a Venn diagram to better understand the political differences between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. Which historical analysis method are you using?


Compare and Contrast.

Answer IS A
