To classify an organism a scientist finds in the field, which of these will the scientist first compare to other known organisms?A. Dietary habits
B. Ecological niche
C. Physical structure
D. Reproductive method


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is C. Physical structure.

Different species can share dietary habits, ecological niches, and reproductive method although they are not related. So, classifying organisms based on these features is not helpful a lot. It is known that different species differ in DNA sequence. Since 
physical structures are determined by DNA sequences, physical structures could show in first sight difference between species. Therefore, to classify organism found in the field, the scientist will start from comparing its physical structures to the other known organisms.

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solid and liquid





In gas there are weak attraction forces present between the particles.

Properties of gases:

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Gases don't have definite volume and shape and take the shape and volume of container in which it present.

Their densities are very low as compared to the liquid and solids.

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Properties of Liquid:

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In liquid, molecules are close to each other and have greater inter molecular forces as compared to the gas molecules.

Properties of solids:

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Their melting and boiling point are every high.

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I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is the third option. The liquid, most likely would belong the group of lipids since this substance is immiscible with water or does not mic with water. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.
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