Federalism Study Guide1. What is the main job duty responsibility of the legislative, executive, and judicial branch?
2 explain the elastic cause of the US. Constitution
3. Explain the amendment process of the US Constitution
4. Explain and give examples of concurrent power.
5. What is an expressed/enumerated power and give an example.
6. Explain how the three branches of government can check and balance each other.
7. Explain reserved powers and give an example.
8. Explain the supremacy dlause
9. What is the highest legal authority of the United States?
20. Describe a federal system of government.
11. What part of the federal government is most involved in the amendment process?
12. Explain and give examples of implied powers.
13. How should a state judge rule if a state law is in conflict with a federal law?
14 Draw a federalism venn diagram that reflects delegated, concurrent and reserved powers.
15. Who is the leader of the executive branch?
16 What is a power of the legislative, executive, and judicial branch?
17. Example of an enumerated power of congress
18 One reason the 2015 Supreme Court decision, in the case of Ogerbefellys. Hooges, involving same-sex
has been controversial is because of the balance of power between the
19. Draw an amendment process chart.


Answer 1
Answer: you have to be at least over 37/50 to know this type of stuff for me really help you out other than that i don’t have a clue
Answer 2

Final answer:

The three branches of the U.S. government have different roles in the federal system, with the legislative branch making laws, the executive branch enforcing laws, and the judicial branch interpreting laws. The U.S. Constitution is the main law of the country, with changes made through a detailed amendment process. Powers are distributed among various levels of the government, with some being reserved for the federal or state governments, and others being concurrent.


1. The legislative branch is responsible for making laws, the executive branch for enforcing laws, and the judicial branch for interpreting laws.

2. The Elastic Clause, also known as the Necessary and Proper Clause, allows Congress to make laws that are necessary for carrying out its other powers.

3. The amendment process involves proposal either by Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention. It is then ratified by either three-fourths of the state legislatures or conventions in three-fourths of the states.

4. Concurrent powers are shared by both the state and federal government such as the power to tax, build roads, or create lower courts.

5. Enumerated powers are specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution, for example, the power to declare war or establish post offices.

6. The system of checks and balances prevents any one branch from gaining too much power. For instance, the President can veto a bill, but Congress can override it.

7. Reserved powers are those that the Constitution does not delegate to the national government or prohibit to the states. Examples include regulating intrastate commerce or establishing local governments.

8. The Supremacy Clause establishes the U.S. Constitution, federal statutes, and U.S. treaties as the supreme law of the land.

9. The highest legal authority in the United States is the U.S. Constitution.

10. A federal system of government is a system in which power is divided between a national government and various regional governments.

11. Congress, as part of the legislative branch, is most involved in the amendment process.

12. Implied powers are powers not explicitly named in the Constitution but assumed to exist. An example would be the establishment of the Air Force under the power to raise an army.

13. If a state law conflicts with a federal law, the state judge should rule in favor of the federal law, due to the Supremacy Clause.

14. In a federalism Venn diagram, delegated powers (exclusive to the national government) would be on one side, reserved powers (exclusive to the state) on another, and concurrent powers (shared by both) in the overlap.

15. The leader of the executive branch is the President.

16. The legislative branch can make laws, the executive can enforce laws, and the judicial can interpret laws.

17. An enumerated power of Congress is the power to coin money.

18. The controversy arises from the differing views on whether it should be the federal government or states that define marriage.

19. An amendment process chart would show proposal and ratification stages involving Congress and the state legislatures respectively.

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Answer by YourHope:

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