How many neutrons are in an atom of 187 Re
How many neutrons are in an atom of 187 Re - 1


Answer 1

Answer: I believe the answer is 112.


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Loses one electron and becomes a positively charged ion.

Sketch the structure of an atom according to the Plum Pudding and Nuclear Atomic Models. Label the subatomic particles in each sketch and list the key points associated with each model.



The Plum Pudding Model and the Nuclear Atomic Model were early atomic models that helped explain the structure of an atom. Here are sketches and key points associated with each model:

**Plum Pudding Model:**

**Key Points:**

1. Proposed by J.J. Thomson in 1904.

2. The atom is considered a positively charged sphere.

3. Electrons (negatively charged particles) are embedded randomly throughout the positively charged sphere.

4. This model suggested that the atom is mostly empty space.

**Nuclear Atomic Model:**

**Key Points:**

1. Proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1911.

2. The atom consists of a tiny, dense, positively charged nucleus at the center.

3. Electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels or shells.

4. Most of the atom's mass is concentrated in the nucleus.

5. The nucleus is surrounded by a vast amount of empty space.

Here are simplified sketches of these two atomic models:

**Plum Pudding Model:**



              /   \

            /       \

          /           \

        /               \

   +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

   (Positively Charged Sphere)


In this sketch, the "+" symbols represent the positive charges distributed throughout the sphere, while the "O" symbols represent the negatively charged electrons scattered throughout.

**Nuclear Atomic Model:**


            Nucleus (+)

            /      |      \

           /       |       \

          /        |        \

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    |            |             |

    |  Electron  |   Electron  |

    |   Orbit    |    Orbit    |

    |  (e-)      |    (e-)     |


In this sketch, the nucleus at the center contains positively charged protons and neutrons (not shown). Electrons are shown orbiting the nucleus in discrete energy levels or shells.

These models played a crucial role in understanding atomic structure, but they were later refined and replaced by the modern quantum mechanical model, which provides a more accurate description of how electrons behave within the atom.


if you need a personal homework helper dm me on ig, savant.carlos

What is igneous rock?


Answer:  A) Rock formed by...magma or lava


As the question says, igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.

just a bit of visual aid thanks to Thoughtco.


It is the first one - Rock formed by the cooling and solidification of hot liquid magma or lava.


Which of the following would you expect to have the highest value for entropy? CO2 (s)

H2O (s)

CO2 (g)

H2O (l)


Chemistry cool

 CO2 (g)  is your answer
hey there i see you need help well i am here to do just that  

CO2 (g) is the correct answer

hope this helps 

How does an ion differ from an atom?


An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains the chemical properties of the element. Atoms are electrically neutral, with a positively charged nucleus that binds one or more electrons in motion around it.An ion-An atom or molecule that has acquired a charge by either gaining or losing electrons. An atom or molecule with missing electrons has a net positive charge and is called a cation*; one with extra electrons has a net negative charge and is called an anion*.

Final answer:

An ion differs from an atom in that it has a net electrical charge, either positive or negative, due to the loss or gain of electrons.


An ion differs from an atom in that it has a net electrical charge. This charge is either positive or negative, resulting from the loss or gain of electrons by the atom. When an atom loses electrons, it becomes positively charged and forms a cation. On the other hand, when an atom gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged and forms an anion.

For example, let's consider sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) atoms. Sodium has 11 protons and 11 electrons, making it neutral. However, when it loses an electron, it becomes a sodium ion (Na+), which now has 11 protons and 10 electrons, giving it a +1 charge. Chloride, on the other hand, has 17 protons and 17 electrons, making it neutral. But when it gains an electron, it becomes a chloride ion (Cl-), which now has 17 protons and 18 electrons, giving it a -1 charge.

So, while an atom is electrically neutral, an ion has a charge due to the loss or gain of electrons.

Learn more about Difference between an ion and an atom here:


Are these answers correct?1. A gas occupies 30 L at 760 mm Hg. What is its volume at 350 mm Hg?

P1*V1 = P2*V2

760 mm Hg *30 L = 350 mm Hg * V2

V2 = 22800 mm Hg*L/350 mm Hg

V2 = about 65.14 L

2. A gas occupies 500 mL at 1 atm. What is its pressure if the volume becomes 1500 mL?

P1*V1 = P2*V2

1 atm*500 mL = P2*1500 mL

500 atm*mL/1500 mL = P2

P2 = 1/3 atm

3. If a gas occupies 250 mL at 25°C, what will its volume be at 57°C?

25°C + 273 = 298°K; 57°C + 273 = 330°K

V1/T1 = V2/T2

250 mL/298°K = V2/330°K

0.84 mL/k*330°K = V2

V2 = about 276.85 mL

4. What was the original temperature of a 2 L sample of gas if it initially had the volume 5 L at 27°C?

27°C + 273 = 298°K

V1/T1 = V2/T2

5 L/298°K = 2 L/T2

2 L/(0.017 L/K)= T2

T2 = 119.2°K = -153.8°C

5. At what pressure would 100 mL of a gas be found if it began at 500 mL at 2.5 atm?

P1*V1 = P2*V2

2.5 atm*500 mL = P2*100 mL

125 atm*mL/100 mL = P2

P2 = 1.25 atm

6. What is the volume of a gas at 275 mm Hg if it occupied 750 mL at 1000 mm Hg?

P1*V1 = P2*V2

1000 mm Hg*750 mL = 275 mm Hg*V2

750000 mm Hg*mL/275 mm Hg = V2

V2 = about 2727. 27 mL

7. A gas occupies 60 L at 250°K and 1 atm. What is its volume at 250°C and 1.5 atm?

250°C + 273 = 523°K

P1*V1/T1 = P2*V2/T2

1 atm*60 L/250°K = 1.5 atm*V2/523°K

0.24 (atm*L/K)*523°K = 1.5 atm*V2

125.52 (atm*L)/1.5 atm = V2

V2 = 83.68 L

8. What is the final temperature in Celsius of a gas occupying 3.25 L at 750 mm Hg if it occupied 2250 mL at 37°C and 600 mm Hg?

37°C + 273 = 310°K; 2250 mL = 2.25 L

P1*V1/T1 = P2*V2/T2

600 mm Hg*2.25 L/310°K = 750 mm Hg*3.25 L/T2

2437.35 mm Hg*L/ (4.35 mm Hg*L/K) = T2

T2 = 559.69°K
T2 = about 286.69°C


I saw a slight error in number 8. 750*3.25=2437.5 not 2437.35. That threw your final answer off by a little more than half a °C. Other than that, I didn't see anything wrong.