Which of the following agricultural techniques requires more and more land to be cleared every two years due to soil exhaustion?A)Swideen agriculture
B)Terraced farming
C)Wet rice agriculture
D)Dry rice agriculture


Answer 1
Answer: A because Swiden farming requires clearing old crops by burning them and leaving them to regenerate. The burning requires the most soil to be cleared.
Answer 2

The answer you are looking for is A) Swidden agriculture

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Why are gases at the top of the thermosphere so hot?



Gases at the top of the thermosphere are so hot because they are constantly bombarded with high-energy solar radiation. The thin atmosphere in the thermosphere cannot absorb this radiation, so it heats up quickly. In addition, the few gas molecules in the thermosphere have a lot of kinetic energy because they are moving at extremely high speeds due to the high temperatures. This combination of high-energy solar radiation and fast-moving gas molecules creates the extremely high temperatures found in the upper thermosphere.

Final answer:

Gases at the top of the thermosphere are hot due to the absorption of high-energy UV radiation from the Sun. The low gas density in the thermosphere causes the energy to be spread out among fewer molecules, leading to a higher temperature. However, we do not feel the heat because of the low density.


Gases at the top of the thermosphere are so hot due to the absorption of high-energy ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the Sun. The thermosphere is the layer of the Earth's atmosphere that is directly exposed to solar radiation. When UV radiation enters this layer, it heats up the gas molecules, causing them to gain a lot of energy and increase in temperature.

This happens because the gas molecules in the thermosphere are very sparse, meaning that there are fewer molecules to absorb the energy. As a result, the energy is spread out among fewer molecules, causing each molecule to have a higher average energy and thus a higher temperature.

It's important to note that even though the thermosphere has high temperatures, it does not feel hot to us on the Earth's surface because the gas density is so low that there is not enough contact between the gas and our bodies to transfer the heat.

Learn more about Thermosphere here:



At high noon, you're laying on the beach. You can feel _____ air coming from _____.warm, the ocean
cool, the ocean
cool, inland
warm, inland


At high noon, you can feel warmair coming from inland. During noon, especially in spring and summer, theradiation caused by the Sun warms the land surface more compared to the seasurface. This is because heat is directly applied on the land surface comparedto the ocean.

Answer:warm inland


Explain the interrelationship that exists between climate, soil and vegetation.


Answer: A key idea in the study of ecosystems and the environment of the Earth is how climate, soil, and plants interact. These three elements are closely linked, so modifications to one can have a big impact on the others. These are their connections to one another:

Explanation: 1. Climate and Vegetation:

.The long-term trends in a region's temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and other atmospheric variables are referred to as its climate.

The term "vegetation" describes the types, densities, and distributions of plants in a given area.

. Vegetation zones can change as a result of changes in the climate, such as variations in temperature or variations in rainfall patterns Known as a "biome shift," this phenomenon occurs when various vegetation kinds migrate to regions that now accommodate their desired climatic conditions.

2. Climate and Soil:

. Weathering, erosion, and material movement are examples of processes that are influenced by climate and affect soil formation.

. The pace of organic matter decomposition, which adds to soil fertility, is determined by the kind of climate (wet, dry, hot, or cold).

3. Soil and Vegetation:

. The kinds of plants that can grow in a location are greatly influenced by the soil's characteristics, including texture, drainage, nutrient content, and pH.

. The kinds of plants that can survive can also be influenced by the pH of the soil. While some plants favor alkaline soils, others do well in acidic ones.

Final answer:

The interrelationship between climate, soil, and vegetation is crucial in understanding the natural environment. Climate influences the type and distribution of vegetation, while soil composition is influenced by climate factors and the type of vegetation present. Vegetation, in turn, affects soil formation and stability. Understanding this interplay is essential for studying ecosystems, agriculture, and land management.


The interrelationship between climate, soil, and vegetation is crucial in understanding the natural environment. Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns of an area, including temperature, precipitation, and wind. Soil is the upper layer of the Earth's crust that supports plant growth, consisting of minerals, organic matter, water, and air. Vegetation refers to the plant life in a particular region. These three components are interconnected and influence each other in various ways.

Climate affects the type and distribution of vegetation by determining the availability of water, temperature range, and sunlight. Different plants have specific climate requirements, and their growth and survival depend on these factors. For example, tropical rainforests thrive in areas with high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and high humidity, while deserts have low precipitation and extreme temperature ranges, leading to sparse vegetation.

Soil composition is influenced by climate factors such as temperature, precipitation, and the type of vegetation present. Climate affects the rate of weathering and erosion, which in turn affects the formation and characteristics of soil. For instance, in areas with high rainfall, the leaching process removes nutrients from the soil, making it less fertile. In contrast, regions with cold climates may have frozen soil, limiting plant growth.

Vegetation, through its roots and leaf litter, affects soil formation and composition. Plant roots help bind the soil particles together, preventing erosion and promoting soil stability. When plants die and decompose, they contribute organic matter to the soil, enriching it with nutrients. The type of vegetation also influences the amount of shade and moisture in an area, which further affects soil moisture levels and nutrient availability.

Understanding the interrelationship between climate, soil, and vegetation is essential for studying ecosystems, agriculture, andland management. It helps scientists and land managers make informed decisions about land use, conservation, and restoration efforts. By considering the interplay between these three components, we can better understand the dynamics of natural environments and their vulnerability to climate change and human activities.

Learn more about climate, soil, and vegetation here:



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The figurative use of cradle is used to mean "the place or region in which anything is nurtured or sheltered in its earlier stage" – such that the term cradle of civilization means the place where civilization was first nurtured and sheltered is true.




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What is industry market linkage​


Industry market, linkage forms a chain that shows in what ways industries systemize the process of production. In this process, it combines all the factors of production, land, labor, entrepreneur, and infrastructure together, putting them in the same process of production.