What is the energy of activation


Answer 1
Answer: It is called activation energy! Usually fire, or a match.

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Biologists can observe the different biomes and see how that affects the biodiversity.

Which part of the body is like a mixer?



The mouth and teeth break up the food and mix it with saliva.




The stomach is like a mixer, churning and mashing together all the small balls of food that came down the esophagus into smaller and smaller pieces. It does this with help from the strong muscles in the walls of the stomach and gastric (say: GAS-trik) juices that also come from the stomach's walls.

What is the domain containing all organisms with eukaryotic cells?


The domain containing all organisms with eukaryotic cells is the Domain Eukarya. There are only three domains; the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya. Domain Eukarya came from the first prokaryotic cells billions of years ago.

Final answer:

The domain containing all organisms with eukaryotic cells is Eukarya. These include organisms like plants, animals, fungi, and protists, all having cells with nucleus.


The domain that includes all organisms with eukaryotic cells is called Eukarya. Eukaryotic cells are characterized by having a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. This domain includes a wide variety of life forms such as plants, animals, fungi, and protists. Each of these groups of organisms has cells with a nucleus, which separates their genetic material from the rest of the cell.

Learn more about Eukarya here:



How is linkage used to make gene maps?


Step one: cross two animals that have dissimilar and simply documented phenotypes. Evidence the phenotypes in all the progeny.

Step two: do a DNA test that ways which sets of DNA indicators move jointly in the several descendants.

Step three: associate the DNA map with the phenotypes, and you'll be capable to shape a map that displays which phenotypes communicate to which chromosomal positions.

In contrast to ectotherms, ectotherms


You have a typo. I think you mean ectotherms and endotherms. Ectotherms, commonly call cold-blooded, cannot regulate body temps, while endotherms, commonly called warm-bloods, can.

1. What scientific attitudes help generate new ideas?



Scientists share habits of mind, that lead them to exploration and discovery. New ideas are generated by curiosity, skepticism, open-mindedness, and creativity.