Why did scribes become more important as Sumer grew?


Answer 1
Answer: Scribes became more important as Sumer grew because they were needed to record data and no one but them could do that.
Answer 2
Answer: The reason scribes became more important is that there culture was growing they needed to record more data, and scribes were the only people that could do it because the scribes are chosen at very young and mentored

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“Our prosperity rests on the basic [beliefs] that the work of free individuals makes a nation—and it is the job of Government to help them do the best they can... that our greatest resource is the health and skills and knowledge of our people... that older Americans... are entitled to live out their lives in dignity... that individual farmers and individual workers have a right to some protection against those forces which might deprive them of a decent income from the fruits of their labor.”According to Johnson, the primary role of government is to

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