Lincolns main purpose in the Gettysburg address is to


Answer 1


For apex it's " To encourage Union soldiers to continue fighting for freedom." I just did the question and it was correct. :-)


Answer 2
Answer: Lincoln's aim in his Gettysburg Address was to extol liberty and honor the people fighting for our nation who died in hope that there would still be a nation in the end.

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Fair and Safe (gradpoint)

the police would conduct a sobriety test

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1.) Rio Grande

2.) Yukon River

3.) Makenzie River

4.) Peace River

5.) Mississippi River


I hope i could help! Good luck!

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One reason that more people didn’t foresee the economic collapse of the 1930s was because "a. Few people understood the risks involved with buying stock on loan," since it primarily an inflation of stock prices that led to the Crash of 1929.

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The correct answer is A. The outcome of polks expansionist policies in the Oregon Territory was that it was split between the United States and Great Britain.

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b. poverty
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King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.

Further Explanations:

Renaissance was an era in European History that spanned somewhat between the 14th century and 17th century that advanced European middle age to modernity. The conceptual basis of the theory of Renaissance was its genre of Humanism obtained from the Roman concepts of Humanities and classical Greekphilosophy Protagoras. Protagoras stated that “man is the ration of all things” which became apparent in science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

One of the most remarkable protestants of the Renaissance era was Martin Luther King, well known for his protest for civil rights through nonviolence and Civil disobedience movement. His Christian beliefs and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi Were the reasons behind his non- violent protest. On 3rd April Martin Luther King addressed a rally in mason Temple, which was even his last speech. The very next day Martin was assassinated in his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. His death triggered the Civil right movement.

Learn More

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  2. What was the main reason joseph Stalin created collective farms? Soviet farms were old-fashioned and inefficient. Collective farms would create many new jobs. Farmland could be turned into industrial land. Wasteful crop surpluses would be eliminated?
  3. in their TV and radio advertisements, many car companies of the 1950s promoted?

Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Topic:Martin Luther King

Keywords:Renaissance, European, History, Humanism, Roman concepts, Humanities, classical Greek, philosophy Protagoras. Protagoras, science, literate, politics and art, and architecture.

King led an important protest against discrimination on April 3, 1968.- - Answer: C

Which concept originated in Greek civilization and influenced how public order is maintained in the United States today?a. Absolute monarchy
b. Rule of law
c. Oligarchy
d. Federalism



We can be sure that ancient civilizations knew of and were concerned about infectious diseases from several facts. The hunter gatherers rarely suffered from water borne diseases. They knew that the water that stank or did not taste well was not good to intake. Their main knowledge came from experience. During the Greek period several doctors like Alcmaeon of Croton were mentioned and hence they must have had the knowledge about infectious diseases like Cholera. Several other infectious disease treatment have also been mentioned during the Greek period.