Which part of speech is the underlined word? (Hand) me that hammer, please.a. adjective
b. noun
c. pronoun
d. verb


Answer 1
Answer: d. verb
pick (something) up and give to (someone)."he handed each man a glass"
Answer 2
Answer: The Correct Answer is B. Verb

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The correct use of a semicolon is C: Cheryl's favorite snack is chocolate; she could eat it daily. A semicolon is often used to separate two related independent clauses. You can test this by removing the semicolon and adding a period. Could the two clauses stand on their own as complete sentences? If so, a semicolon can be used.

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bus; he will need; therefore,
bus; he will need, therefore,
us; he will need, therefore
bus, he will need; therefore,


Question 13.13. seats, and
Question 14.14. horseshoes; she
Question 15.15. clocks; nevertheless
Question 16.16. no error
Question 17.17. data,
Question 18.18. no error
Question 19.19. foundation; however, 
Question 20.20. bus; he will need, therefore, 

____________________ is the part of an author’s voice that refers to the emotional atmosphere created in the piece.a. Tone
c. Diction
b. Mood
d. Style


The answer could be either A) tone, or B) mood, because both of those terms denote a certain atmosphere that an author is trying to convey. But I believe the correct answer is 'mood', because it is defined as 'a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers through words and descriptions. It is usually referred to as the atmosphere of a literary piece, as it creates an emotional situation that surrounds the readers.'
The emotional atmosphere is the mood

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B. they don't care enough about the characters to lie

C. none of the above

D. both “a” and “b”


Third-person omniscient narrators are likely to be reliable because they're impersonal and know everything about the story. In this type of point of view, the narrator can narrate the events from one character to another with all the needed information without causing confusion as to their interrelationship.

they're impersonal and know everything about the story

When reading a poem closely to interpret its meaning and nuances, what can give you clues about the theme of the poem? the rhyme scheme the stanza structure the title of the poem the name of the poet



The correct answer is C) the tittle of the poem


When reading a poem closely to interpret its meaning and nuances, the title of the poem can give you clues about the theme of the poem. The rhyme scheme and stanza structure are structural aspects of the poem that can work to convey an idea in certain styles like concrete poetry, but the do not give us enough information to interpret the meaning of the poem.

Also, the name of the poet is not a reliable source since a poet can write about different themes and present different perspectives.

On the other hand, the name of the poem can help us deciphering the meaning of the poem and even clarify through certain words of tone whether the poem is satirical, signifying or else. The title of the poem is the most reliable option.

When reading a poem closely to interpret its meaning and nuances, the TITLE OF THE POEM can give you clues about the theme of the poem.

Often the title will include key words which can guide the reader and give an idea about the themes which will be discussed in the poem.

How is Christopher Reeve heroic in real life?


More than just an actor Christopher Reeves also championedissues on the environment and human rights. When he was injured in an equestrian competition, he was left paralyzedfrom the next down.  Drawing strengthfrom his wife and family, Reeve chose to live his life. But it wasn’t just thatthat made Reeves heroic.  He rememberedthe other patients who were also undergoing rehab and saw their struggles to beable live life again and realize that there was something he could do despitehis injury.  He devoted his time to lobbyfor better research on spinal cord injuries using his status as a celebrity towork on that goal and through his efforts the Christopher and Dana ReevesFoundation was established.  Thanks toReeve’s supervision, spinal research has improved and he continued to speakbefore Congress for more funding on improving the treatment and research ofspinal injury.  Until their deaths bothChristopher and Dana worked on this and the Foundation has done a lot forhelping patients with spinal injury.