President Carter tried to ease Cold War tensions when he took office in 1977 by


Answer 1
Answer: President carter tried to ease Cold War tensions when he took office in 1977 by working with the leader of the Soviet Union.

One of the goals in his foreign affairs Agenda is that he wanted to relieved the tensions between united states and soviet union that could possibly resulted in war. Many believe that Carter's move played a big role in the separation of Soviet union
Answer 2

D. working with the leader of the Soviet Union.............

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Korea was conquered by Japan during World War II. At the end of the war, Korea was partitioned at the Thirty-eighth Parallel into democratic South Korea and communist North Korea. The Korean War (1950-1953) was a United Nations effort to assist South Korea, which had been invaded by the army of North Korea. The administration of Harry S. Truman had pressured the UN Security Council for a resolution to use military force-UN troops and ships, led by the United States-to defend South Korea.

After world war 2 the kores where split into two .one soviet and one democratic but kim jun il1 did not want it  this way he wanted a united Korea and invaded but he lost the war the reason why he was not tailed was because his war was backed by Russia and china.

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The Free Soil Party held that while the Constitution forbade Congress from interfering with slavery where it existed, slavery should be prevented from spreading into new territories.


The Free Soil Party was a political party in United States. The political party was active during 1848 to 1854. So the party had very short span of living time. The party worked under the leadership of Martin V. Buren and John P. Hale mainly. Salmon P. Chase was the another leader of the party.

It was a very influential party for the citizens of the United States. Working against slavery is one of the most recognised work done by the Free Soil Party. The petitions presented by the Free Soil Party played a vital role Missouri bill settlement and excluding the slavery from the borders of the nation. Thus how the party forbade the Congress from interfering with slavery and excluded it legally from the United States constitution.

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B. China
They wanted the removal of foreign influence

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Which statement about the Prohibition era is true?It led many people to join organized criminal gangs.

It led to a culture of hip flasks, speakeasies, and wingspantail parties.

It led to a huge drop in crime rates of the 1920s.

It led to a revival of traditional American values.


The correct answer is B) It led to a culture of hip flasks, speakeasies, and wingspantail parties.

The statement about the Prohibition Era that is true is "it led to a culture of hip flasks, speakeasies, and wingspantail parties."

The Prohibition Era in the United States was a period in the US after the 18th AMendment to the United States Constitution banned the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol. On January 16, 1919, the states of the Union ratified the Prohibition and problems arose. It represented the beginning of the organized crime that sold alcohol illegally and organized parties and events where alcohol was sold against the law. The 21st Amendment of 1933 ended prohibition in America.

it led to a culture of hip flasks, speakeasies, and wingspantail parties

Which of the following groups was the Square Deal intended to help? ~ government workers ~ business owners ~ politicians ~ bankers


Answering the question, The square deal was intended to help Business owners.

The square deal was part of the programs put in place by President Theodore Roosevelt to promote series of policies that would positively influence the lives of the American people and also to address the negative effect of industrialization.

Further Explanation

The square deal was set up to control corporations; provide welfare services to the people and also to sustain the use of natural resources.

The deal square presented by Roosevelt’s focused on many areas but majorly addressed oppressive labor conditions and uncontrolled corporations.  

The goals of the square deal policies were meant to control the sharp practices in the manufacturing industries as well as protecting businesses from labor unions’ unfavorable laws.  

The square deal also protects the right of women and their children in the working environment and 1907, the national child labor committee was set up to look into some of the abuses and exploitation of children.

As part of the square deal policies, child labor was declared illegal in Washington and many safety regulations were put in place to protect the health of workers.

The square deal was instrumental to the increase in workplace safety that is seen in many industries in America today.



  • business owners
  • square deal
  • policies
  • Roosevelt
  • united states

The Square Deal intended to help business owners.

Further Explanations:

Square deal was an internal  initiatives concentrating average Americans. This deal mostly dealt with the tyrannical labor condition and unfettered corporations of the United States. They were defending businesses against stroppy unions. It also intended to protect children and females in the workstation. It charted the National Child Labor Committee in 1907 intending to focus on its motive.  

Being the most prosperous policy launched by the government, it was popular among republican and democratic. This deal also resulted in the formulation of several acts like the Sherman,Anti-Trust Act targeting the firm's monopolies. Meat Protection Act ensured meat handling and wrapping while other acts like the Hepburn Act and New lands Act intended to do the same.The deal laid most of its effort on helping the business owners as it increased the competition in the market. The deal, on the other hand, increased workplace safety in many of the industries.  

Learn more

  1. What was the impact of President Roosevelt’s approval of executive order 9066?
  2. the impact of Furman v. Georgia (1972) was that states had to promise to use the death penalty only with approval from the supreme court. throw out the old Miranda warning and write a new one. agree to throw out all state laws regarding crime and impose national standards. create clear standards to be applied fairly before imposing the death penalty.?
  3. under the articles of confederation, if Virginia had ten thousand citizens and Delaware had five thousand citizens, how many votes would each state have in the legislature?

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: US History  

Chapter: Square Deal  


Roosevelt’s, United States, McKinley, National Child Labor Committee, republican, democratic, Sherman Anti Trust, Meat Protection, Hepburn Act, Newlands Act