Which of the following best defines the term oxidation state?a. The oxidation state is the rate of oxygen consumption.
b. The oxidation state is the rate of oxygen production.
c. The oxidation state is the number of electrons an atom or ion has gained or lost with respect to its neutral state.
d. The oxidation state is the rate at which a redox reaction approaches its charge neutrality.


Answer 1
Answer: C seems to be the best answer

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So to put them all in the same units we have 
2500 mL 
250 mL 

So the third one is the smallest
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First, because the elements of the periodic table are arranged in order of increasing proton numbers. Secondly, hydrogen would belong in group 1 instead of 17 because the elements of a group have the same number valence electrons. Hydrogen has one valence electron so it would best fit into group one rather than group 17 which has seven valence electrons

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55) Answer==>   the solid has less entropy
Answer==> 22.2g produces more heat than 11.1g when dissolved
Answer==> the solution has a higher boiling point

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