What colony tried to claim New Hampshire?a. Maine
b. Massachusetts
c. Virginia
d. Rhode Island


Answer 1

Answer: The colony that tried to claim New Hampshire is Massachusetts.


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The correct answer is C. The ERA would hurt the traditional family

Conservatives believed that women should stay at home and take care of the household instead of go to jobs. This traditional understanding of a family was supported by many women as well, which is why eventually the ERA failed when it failed to become ratified.

Correct answer choice is :

C) The ERA would hurt the traditional family


The Equal Rights Amendment is a suggested revision to the United States Constitution intended to assure equal legal rights for all American citizens despite sex, it tries to end the legal differences among men and women in terms of the divorce, property, employment, and other matters. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was important because it signified a major step in the movement towards women's rights. It is also significant because it shows how much struggle there was in the 1970s over social issues. The ERA was introduced as a way to give women equal legal status to men.

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B. A French king pays for a naval voyage to Africa.
C. An Inca craftsperson prays at a Christian church.
D. An Italian merchant sells expensive horses in Asia.


An Inca crafts person prays at a Christian church is the action among the following actions that would have been possible only after the start of the Columbian Exchange. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the third option or option "C". I hope the answer helps you.


The correct answer is C. An Inca craftperson praying at a Christian church would only have been possible after the start of the Columbian Exchange.


Columbian Exchange is the process that took place between the 15th and 16th centuries when agricultural products and other foods of the New World (the American continent) were introduced in the Old World (Europe, Africa and Asia) and vice versa. A more extensive definition also includes technological and cultural advances, demography and even diseases.

The term was first used by the American historian Alfred Crosby in 1972 in his book The Columbian Exchange.

As Christianity was a cultural process developed in the Old World, the fact that a member of the Inca society was praying in a Christian church could only have happened after the Columbian Exchange.

How & why exactly did the Revolutionary War start?


The boston tea parrrrttttyyyyy! jk its becuase people were mad about having to taxes for tea in other countrys

The Revolutionary War started because the Colonial Americans wanted their own country and they were tired of being governed by America and their unreasonable tax laws. Nobody wanted to pay taxes to the British government and everyone opposed it. hope this helps:)

The term development is best described as a measurement of a country’s __________.A.

infrastructure system

basic resources

economic diversity

economic health and social conditions



D.  economic health and social conditions


In economics, development refers to the change in a country's economy  from a low-income national economy to a modern industrial one. These implies both qualitative and quantitative improvements, meaning that not only the general wealth of the population increases but their living standars do to. Some characteristics that show a country's development can be seen in the improvements of the population's health, well-being and academic level.


D.  economic health and social conditions

I just Finished the Unit test and got an 100 :)

Powers that are given to both the state and federal government are called: A. Delegated powers
B. Implied powers
C. Reserved powers
D. Concurrent powers


Powers that are given to both the State and federal government are called concurrent powers. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the last option or option "D". There are some powers given to the federal government alone and the state government alone. I hope the answer helps you.
The Constitution gives three types of power to the national government: 1. Delegated (sometimes called enumerated or expressed) powers are specifically granted to the federal government in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

How did abolitionists react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Select one:
a. They praised popular sovereignty as the best way to end slavery and encouraged others to support it.
b. They set up a society to encourage people to move there so they could vote against allowing slavery.
c. They vilified Stephen Douglas as a Southern sympathizer, ruining his reputation and political future.
d. They claimed that it would lead to violence and suggested that anti-slavery settlers leave the area.


The correct answer is "A".

People who were "pro-abolitionists" started encouraging other citizens who thought this wat to move to Kansas in order to vote against slavery and make Kansas a slave-free state. This led to many conflicts between "pro" and "anti" abolitionist groups which were known as "bleeding Kansas".

Many see the controversy generated by the Kansas-Nebraska Act as the catalyst that led to the Civil War

The popular sovereignty clause of the law led pro- and anti-slavery elements to flood into Kansas with the goal of voting slavery up or down, resulting in a series of armed conflicts known as "Bleeding Kansas". The controversy surrounding the Kansas–Nebraska Act was a cause of the Civil War.

d. They claimed that it would lead to violence and suggested that anti-slavery settlers leave the area.