Given the formula:The bond between which two atoms has the greatest degree of polarity?
A. C and C
B. C and O
C. H and C
D. H and O
Given the formula: The bond between which two atoms has - 1


Answer 1

The bond between hydrogen and oxygen has the greatest degree of polarity as there is wide electronegativity difference between the atoms.

What is an atom?

An atom is defined as the smallest unit of matter which forms an element. Every form of matter whether solid,liquid , gas consists of atoms . Each atom has a nucleus which is composed of protons and neutrons and shells in which the electrons revolve.

The protons are positively charged and neutrons are neutral and hence the nucleus is positively charged. The electrons which revolve around the nucleus are negatively charged and hence the atom as a whole is neutral and stable due to presence of oppositely charged particles.

Atoms of the same element are similar as they have number of sub- atomic particles which on combination do not alter the chemical properties of the substances.

Learn more about atom,here:


Answer 2
Answer: I would say D because oxygen is a highly electronegative atom and the OH b bonding is known to have high levels of polarity for example H-O-H in water.  This is why alcohols are miscible in water eventhough they are mostly non-polar.

The CH bond is more likely to be non-polar as it is with alot of hydrocarbons.  

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Final answer:

Blue light is emitted when an electron in a He+ ion falls from the energy level n=4 to n=1. This is because the energy difference between these levels is similar to that in a hydrogen atom when blue light is emitted (from n=5 to n=2).


The energy of the emitted photon when an electron transitions between energy levels in an atom is determined by the difference between the energy levels it transitions between. This is described by the formula: E = hν, where E stands for energy, h stands for Planck's constant, and ν stands for frequency. The color of the emitted light, or the wavelength, is determined by the energy of the photon.

For blue light to be emitted when an excited electron falls from n=4 in a He+ ion, it must fall into n=1. This is because the energy gap between the n=4 and n=1 levels in a He+ ion is similar to that between the n=5 and n=2 levels in a hydrogen atom, which results in the emission of blue light.

Learn more about Atomic Physics here:


Final answer:

In a helium ion (He+), an electron would need to fall from n=4 to n=1 to emit a photon of blue light, similar to the photon emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom falls from n=5 to n=2.


According to the Bohr model of atoms, when an electron falls from a higher to a lower energy level, a photon is emitted. The energy (and therefore color) of the photon corresponds to the energy difference between the two energy levels. In the case of your question, an excited electron in a hydrogen atom falls from n=5 to n=2 and emits a photon of blue light.

If an electron in an excited helium ion (He+) falls from the n=4 level, to emit a photon of similar energy (and thus color), it must fall to a level that yields a similar energy difference. Based on the energy levels of helium and hydrogen, the electron in the He+ ion would need to fall to n=1 to emit a photon of similar energy to the blue light from the hydrogen atom, given that the energy difference in He+ ion is larger than in hydrogen atom for the same quantum numbers due to its greater nuclear charge.

Learn more about Bohr Model of Atoms here:


If the following elements were to combine with each other, choose which demonstrate the Law of Multiple Proportion. Select all that apply. Z:X = 7:1 A:Z = 2.5:1 A:Z = 2.2:1 Y:X = 11:1


Answer is: Z:X = 7:1 and Y:X = 11:1.

Law of multiple proportions or Dalton's Law said that the ratios of the masses of the second element which combine with a fixed mass of the first element will be ratios of small whole numbers. 
In this example ratios are whole numbers, 
A:Z = 2.5 : 1 and A:Z = 2.2 : 1 are not whole number ratios.


7.1 and 11.1


The Principle Quantum Number describes what aspect of electron orbitals?a) shape.
b) orientation.
c) spin.
d) energy level.





Because that's the spin in its orbitals.

What is the main distinction between ionic and covalent bonding?


The main distinction between ionic and covalent bonding is that ionic bonding is the complete transfers of electrons between atoms whereas covalent bonding is the sharing of electrons between atoms.

Final answer:

The main difference between ionic and covalent bonding is the way electrons participate in the bonding. In ionic bonds, electrons are transferred and attract each other due to opposite charges. In contrast, covalent bonding involves sharing of electron pairs between atoms, usually resulting in stronger bonds.


The main distinction between ionic and covalent bonding is the way in which the electrons are involved. In an ionic bond, electrons transfer from one atom to another, resulting in a positive and a negative ion that attract each other due to opposite charges. The energy change associated with ionic bonding depends on three key processes; the ionization of an electron from one atom, the acceptance of the electron by the second atom, and the Coulomb attraction of the resulting ions.

On the other hand, the covalent bond involves sharing of electrons between two atoms. These electrons move back and forth between the atoms and do not permanently stay with one atom. Because of this shared electron pair, covalent bonds are stronger than ionic bonds.

Deciding whether a bond is ionic or covalent often involves considering the types of atoms involved and their relative positions on the periodic table. Bonds between two nonmetals are generally covalent, while bonding between a metal and a nonmetal is often ionic by nature.

Learn more about Ionic and Covalent Bonding here:


On a hot summer day you and your friend decided to make a drink by mixing ice cubes water and sugar and koolaid mix . What was the type of change that occurred


The type of change that has occurred on mixing ice cubes, water ,sugar, koolaid mix is a physical change.

What is a physical change?

Physical changes are defined as  those changes which affect only the form of a substance but not it's chemical composition. They are used to separate mixtures in to chemical components but cannot be used to separate compounds to  further simpler compounds.

Physical changes are always reversible  by using physical means and involve a change in the physical properties.Examples of physical changes include melting,boiling , change in texture, size,color,volume and density.Magnetism, crystallization, formation of alloys are all reversible  changes and hence physical changes.

They involve only rearrangement of atoms and are often characterized to be changes which are reversible.

Learn more about physical change,here:



thats when you mix so that's friction


1 lemonade+1 lemonade=2 lemonaede

and i hope the lemonade tast good! :D