Andrew Carnegie could best be described as __________. A.
a lazy English factory worker

an industrious Scottish immigrant

an ingenious American inventor

a courageous Scottish explorer


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer should be B. an industrious Scottish immigrant. Andrew Carnegie was born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland and went to Allegheny, Pennsylvania with his family. He worked in various jobs such as in factory, assistant, and telegrapher with meager salary to name  a few. When luck found him, he became a self-made steel business tycoon after years of hard work. 

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Essay on knowledge is power


knowledge is power :
   it is a well said quote that Knowledge is power .. what is knowledge it is a state of awareness or having information about something means that having knowledge is very helpful to become a well-informed citizens who can handle different difficult situations due to enough information about that situation the question is how knowledge makes us powerful ..power is our ability to perform in effective manner in our everyday routine and problems by having  knowledge  a person can easily detect the defects in the issues and solve them as he has information about them ..knowledge and education is key to success because when we see the powerful nations we come to realize that different inventions and productive utilization of the natural resources is due to this knowledge which also makes a nation economically strong ..powerful nations are not powerful due to some coincidence or due to luck but it is so because they have a firm foundation as they educated their people ..
today knowledge is power .it controls access to opportunity and advacement ..
knowledge is power.Rather knowledge is happiness ,because to have knowledge  -broad deep knowledge -is to know true ends from false and lofty things from low .To know the thoughts and deeds that have marked man's progress is to feel the great heartthrobs of humanity through the centuries ;and if one does not feel in these pulsations a heavenward striving one must indeed be deaf to the harmonies of life ..
knowledge will forever govern ignorance ;and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives ..the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy ..

REVIEW: A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. Dependent clauses typically begin with a subordinating conjunction.DIRECTIONS: READ EACH SENTENCE AND CHOOSE THE DEPENDENT CLAUSE.

SENTENCE: Within three days, she was offered a job as a full-time cashier.

she was offered a job
There is no dependent clause in this sentence.
Within three days
as a full-time cashier



C.Within three days


Only part that is separated and cannot stand alone as a complete sentence.

Tartuffe's appearance in act 3 is known for which of the following? A. Delayed emergence?
B. Exposed deliverance?
C. Postponed exposure?
D. Belated introduction?



A. Delayed emergence.


Moliere's comedic play "Tartuffe" tells the story of how one man became the bone of contention in a family. Tartuffe came upon Orgon's family and made everything a mess.

Though the character of Tartuffe is talked about and even addressed, the main physical appearance of the character did not occur. He appeared physically only in Act III scene ii. This literary technique of a delayed emergence of the main character is employed by writers to produce some sort of effects in their works. Here too, Tartuffe's delayed appearance heightens the audience's anticipation of him. Also, it is another way of showing the mechanism of Tartuffe's ways of working, just like he did in the Orgon family. His presence is solidified only through the rumors and fears of the people who interact with him.

A because he comes in later and emergence means enters

Which are examples of the UN's work?


The United Nations was created more than 60 years ago to save succeeding generations from war, protect human rights, establish conditions for justice, and promote social progress and better standards of life.
The United Nation's main function is to promote peace among nations and avoid wars.But it has other organizations too
UNESCO-Education for everyone
UNICEF-Deals with children's rights and  avoids infantile work
WHO- Organization that deals with epidemies.vaccinations and maintaining everybody healthy

What is the narrative point of view of the story?


Narrative point of view is the perspective of that narrator. First person narrative point of view occurs when the narrator is telling the story. ... In third person limited point of view, the narrator is separate from the main character but sticks close to that character's experience and actions.

In Edgar Allan Poe's "The Philosophy of Composition," what does Poe means when he created a contrast of the bird first appears in "The Raven"? A. By placing the black bird on a marble statue. B. By having the dark bird come in through a sunny window. C. By having the black bird come in from the dark night. D. By showing the bird's red eyes that later become brown.





In his essay, Edgar Allan Poe, outlined some rules to be followed to create a good piece of literature. The irony related with this essay is that Poe himself actually never followed these outlines. This essay was first published in 1846, by Poe's friend, George Rex Graham. The rules laid by Poe in his essay were:

  1. Length- the piece of literary work should not be very lengthy that it cannot be read in one sitting. For, if the reading is interrupted the work might lose its essence.
  2. Unity of effect- To keep the work original.
  3. A logical method.

To illustrate the use of his rules, he took the example of his poem "The Raven", how he had used the rules in the poem and framed a work that not only appeals its readers but also its critics.

The contrast that Poe had made in his poem "The Raven" is by placing the plumage on the bust of Pallas.

(Excerpt from his "The Philosophy of Composition" to prove my statement:

"I made the bird alight on the bust of Pallas, also for the effect of contrast between the marble and the plumage—it being understood that the bust was absolutely suggested by the bird—the bust of Pallas being chosen, first, as most in keeping with the scholarship of the lover, and, secondly, for the sonorousness of the word, Pallas, itself.")

A. By placing the black bird on a marble statue.