Who funds public assistance programs?


Answer 1
Answer: The federal government funds public assistance programs. this type of programs are created for the needy, but there are definitely certain clauses that needs to be fulfilled by the individuals to become a part of the program. This programs are created for helping the poor. I hope the answer helps you.
Answer 2


state and federal governments


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1799August 23: Receiving news of turmoil in France, Napoleon relinquishes command in Egypt and returns to Paris, a so-called Coup d’étatNovember 9–10: Coup of Brumaire Napoleon overthrows the Directory.December 12: Napoleon elected First Consul of the Consulate.

Help History stuck on this questionHow did Marbury V. Madison change the role of the supreme Court?

A. The case determined that the states could tax the federal government.
B. The case established the right of the federal government to regulate interstate commerce.
C. The case determined that states could not interfere with corporate charters.
D The case determined the power of the supreme court to rule on the constitutionality of laws.


The Marbury vsMadison decision of 1803 set the precedent that the court could nullify an act of Congress if it was found to be inconsistent with the Constitution. This ruling formed the basis of judicial review and established the separation of the executive and judicial branches. hope this helps

Final answer:

Marbury V. Madison significantly established the power of the Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of laws, thereby placing the Supreme Court as a co-equal branch of the American government.


The landmark case of Marbury V. Madison, in 1803, significantly influenced the authority of the Supreme Court in the United States' political system. The case is synonymous with the concept of judicial review. Chief Justice John Marshall, through his opinion in this case, declared that the Supreme Court has the power to review laws and if necessary, determine them unconstitutional. Consequently, this case is often attributed to setting the stage for the Supreme Court as a co-equal branch of government with legislative and executive branches, thus impacting the balance of powers in American democracy.

Learn more about Marbury V. Madison here:



How were the French and American Revolutions similar and different?


 for being similar i will say they are the consequences of the "Lumières" (Enlightenment), with some ideals of constitution, liberty, self government, etc. 

BUT, there are also VERY different : 
-the American Revolution is more a revolt (against taxes) which became a war (it is a war of independence more than a revolution) 
-The French Revolution is really different and it is more the failure of a system, what we called "Ancien Régime" (Former Rule), a system which can not work anymore since the 1770's (the nobles do not pay taxes for example when there is a MAJOR deficit). A system which blew up in 1789 when the king called the Etats Généraux (States General, see wikipedia) to enact new taxes, but the deputies decided to not do that and create an Assemblée Nationale (National Assembly) to write a constitution. the result is a real mess for at least 10 years (in fact 1 monarchy and at least 5 different republic during this time) 

So yes they are a little bit similar (it is the Age of Enlightenment) but they are mainly different, because the American one is an uprising against something (the British) and the French is more the end of a system and the different experiences to find a new one.

Which country lost the most from the French and Indian War that began in 1754


The French and Indian war tool a lot of lives indeed than the American Revolution. It also involved a lot of countries, but the one that lost the most was France as they were able to lose their foothold in 1760.

What problems did the collapse of the american economy cause in other in other countries


It made our exchange with other countries collapse as well since we lost money as so did they. They got money from us, and with the economy crashing, the weren't getting as much. 

Which of the following was the key reason for Coolidge’s victory in the 1924 presidential election?A. There was a split between Democratic Party supporters in the north and south.
B. The Progressive party managed to attract Democratic voters in the southern states.
C. Coolidge's policies gained him the backing of the farm-labor coalition.
D. Coolidge gained broad support because he was in favor of easing Prohibition.


The one that was the key reason for coolidge's victory in the 1924 presidential election is : A. There was a split between democratic part supporters in the north and south

Hope this helps