1. In the first act of Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare establishes two important conflicts that will carry throughout the play. Look back in the text and decide what these conflicts are. In order to find them, keep in mind the definition of conflict.• Which characters are clashing with others in the story?
• Which characters are facing an internal battle with their own thoughts or feelings?
In the space provided below, name both conflicts, briefly describe each conflict, and explain how Shakespeare establishes it through the events of the play, the words of each character, and the actions of each character.
Type your answer here.
(Score for Question 2: ___ of 15 points)
2. What does Brutus’s encounter with Portia teach you about Portia, about Brutus, and about their marriage?
(Score for Question 3: ___ of 15 points)
3. Why was it a mistake for Brutus to allow Antony to have the last word at Caesar’s funeral?
Type your answer here.
(Score for Question 4: ___ of 15 points)
4. Based on Brutus’s decision to march the army to Philippi and the appearance of Caesar’s ghost to him, make a prediction about what will happen in the final act of Julius Caesar. Be sure to justify your prediction with textual evidence where appropriate.


Answer 1
Answer: To answer the following questions you have to read the play. The answer to the first question is:

#1)Which characters are clashing with others in the story?

Answer: Brutus and Antony clash in the story, this happens mostly during Act 3.

Please see attachment to see the rest. I did some of them not all of them.

I hope this helps, Regards.

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She notices an error in grammar in the first paragraph of the text. Find the error and replace it with the correct verb form.It is very important to train your dog. It keeps your dog's mind active, and it helps to build an understanding between you and your dog. Often, owners will shout at their dogs or even punish them when what is needed is effective training.


Hi! What you pasted is actually already the correct paragraph. I have encountered this question before and the original one said  "...it HELP to build an understanding between you and your dog."

In that case, help is in the incorrect verb form since "it" is in the singular third-person pronoun. Grammar rules state that we should always add an -s at the end of the verb when it is paired up with a singular noun (or pronoun). In that way we could make the subject and the verb agree.

ANSWER: change help to helps

[autocorrect might have solved that one for you!]
It is very important to train your dog. It keeps your dog's mind active, and it helps to build a better understanding. Often, owners will shout at their dogs or even punish them when what is needed is effective training

this part should be "and it helps to build a better understanding."

Define compassionate please


When you feel or show symapathy/care about others
having compashinite means pashinite or i forgot to put this having feelings or loving 

Read this passage from Alan Weisman's "The City Without Us":He props his running shoe against the whitish bark of a Chinese Amur cork tree, growing among the last of the hemlocks. "This may sound blasphemous, but maintaining biodiversity is less important than maintaining a functioning ecosystem. What matters is that soil is protected, that water gets cleaned, that trees filter the air, that a canopy regenerates new seedlings to keep nutrients from draining away into the Bronx River."

Now read this passage from Jared Diamond's "The Ends of the World as We Know Them":

Both the shoguns and the Japanese peasants took a long-term view: the former expected to pass on their power to their children, and the latter expected to pass on their land. . . . Today, despite having the highest human population density of any large developed country, Japan is more than 70 percent forested.

What common theme of green literature is most strongly evident in both passages?

A. In order to thrive in coming centuries, people must find viable alternatives to fossil fuels, such as coal.
B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.
C. In order meet their goals, environmentalists must help people develop a personal desire to protect nature.
D. There is no excuse for damaging the natural world, and anyone who does so will pay a steep price.


I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.

Answer:I believe the correct answer is: B. With careful and intelligent management, ecosystems can still thrive after human beings have changed them.

Both of these passages talk about the importance of maintaining and taking care of the ecosystem: the first one deals with the priorities in preserving nature; and the second one puts Japanese people as an example to follow in terms of protecting the environment.

ASAP!!!! PleaseRead the following passage and then select the correct answer:
According to some sources, there are more than 80 million cats living in American houses as pets today. Cats offer companionship and relaxation, but they also have specific needs that require pet owners' attention. Just as a human being must clean his dishes and his bathroom, a cat needs to have a bacteria-free food dish and litter box. With these facts in mind, Americans need to begin working on ways to improve the cleanliness of home areas for their cats.

Which of the following sentences states the author's claim?

A. According to some sources, there are more than 80 million cats living in American houses as pets today.
B. Cats offer companionship and relaxation, but they also have specific needs that require pet owners' attention.
C. Just as a human being must clean his dishes and his bathroom, a cat needs to have a bacteria-free food dish and litter box.
D.With these facts in mind, Americans need to begin working on ways to improve the cleanliness of home areas for their cats.


D) With these faces in mind, Americans need to begin working on ways to improve the cleanliness of home areas for their cats.


D.With these facts in mind, Americans need to begin working on ways to improve the cleanliness of home areas for their cats.


Which word in the sentence, if any, should be followed by a semicolon? My parents are cleaning the house that means we must be expecting company. A. must B. There is no error in semicolon usage. C. cleaning D. house


A semicolon separates two related independent clauses. There are two independent clauses in the sentence: "My parents are cleaning the house today" and "that means we must be expecting company." This means there should be a semicolon in the sentence. It would go after the word "house," because that is where the first clause ands and the second begins. Therefore, the answer is D. house.

in matthew, chapter 6, we are called to trust ourselves rather than worry about our own lives. true false


It is false that in Matthew, chapter 6, we are called to trust ourselves rather than worry about our own lives.
This chapter deals with trusting God most of all, giving to the needy, fasting, and treasures in Heaven. It is true that we shouldn't worry about our own lives, but we should trust God, and the trust in ourselves will follow. 
I do believe that the verse in Matthew, chapter 6, "Therefore, be not anxious for the morrow:For the morrow will be anxious itself." would mean to trust ourselves and not worry about our lives past the day you are in. So, I believe the answer is true.