Radioactive isotopes are used to treat cancer true or false


Answer 1
Answer: Yes, radioactive isotopes are used to treat cancer by doing special x-ray kind of things.

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Assuming that all carts are moving, compare and contrast the differences in the motion of the 3 carts.


To compare and contrast the differences in the motion of three carts, it's essential to consider various aspects of their motion, including speed, direction, and acceleration. Without specific details about the motion of each cart, I can provide a general framework:

1. Speed: You can compare the speeds of the carts to determine which one is moving the fastest and which one is the slowest.
2. Direction: Compare the directions in which the carts are moving. Are they all moving in the same direction, or are some moving in opposite directions?
3. Acceleration: Consider if any of the carts are accelerating (changing their speed) and in which direction.

1. Speed: Highlight the differences in speed between the carts. For example, Cart A may be moving slowly, while Cart B is moving quickly.
2. Direction: Discuss any differences in direction. Are some carts moving forward while others are moving backward or in different angles?
3. Acceleration: Note if any of the carts are accelerating differently. For instance, Cart C might be accelerating rapidly while Cart A maintains a constant speed.

To provide a more detailed comparison and contrast, it would be helpful to have specific information about the motion of each cart, such as their speeds, directions, and accelerations.

When in orbit, a satellite such as the space shuttle isa. simply a projectile.
b. in non-accelerated motion.
c. free from Earth's gravity.


Answer: B


When in orbit, a satellite is hold in position thanks to, between others, the earth's gravity. So the C option is discarded.

A projectile is an object thrown by the exertion of some force, like a bullet or a cannonball.

A satellite is placed in some orbit, so he can rotate the earth. The movement of the satellite is non-accelerated motion, because the only forces that act on the satellite are the forces that hold him in orbit.

Final answer:

When in orbit, a satellite such as the space shuttle is in non-accelerated motion and is influenced by Earth's gravity.


When in orbit, a satellite such as the space shuttle is in non-accelerated motion.

It is not simply a projectile because it is continuously under the influence of Earth's gravity.

However, it is not completely free from Earth's gravity as it continues to be pulled towards the Earth.

Learn more about Satellite motion here:


Water _____.a. has a pH value of 0
B: expands when it freezes
C: is less dense than ice
D: dissolves in most substances


Water does not have a pH of 0, its actually 7. Also, it is not less dense than ice. Lastly, it does not dissolve in most substances, its the complete opposite. As its a solvent, not a solute. 

Answer: B

you measure that it takes 0.75 seconds for a leaf to fall from a tree to the ground. the leaf experiences air resistance as it falls. if there were no air resistance, how long would it take the leaf to fall?


There's not enough information given in the problem to calculate that answer.

A leaf falling from a tree on Earth, a sheet of printer paper falling off the back
of a truck on Venus, and a steel ball sinking through a bucket of Scotch whiskey
on Mars, might all reach the bottom in 0.75 second.  The time it would take each
of them to fall the same distance through a vacuum in the same place would be
different, and the 0.75 second is not enough to enable you derive it ... even if
you did know the acceleration of gravity in each place.  All you can say is that
without resistance, it would fall faster, and hit bottom in less than 0.75 second.


less than 0.75 seconds


Prove that an electron cannot exist in the nucleus


We can say this is proved because electrons are having negative charges. If they lie inside the nucleus, they will be neutralised by the positive charges. Thus, the atom will have no charged particle and unstable. But an atom has both positive and negative charges.

An organism that breaks down other living things when they die


Fungi, bacterium