Which is the proper hierarchy of leadership roles in the Senate from lowest to highest?


Answer 1
Answer: The proper hierarchy of leadership roles in the Senate from lowest rank the highest rank is:

majority whip
majority leader
president pro tempore
president of the Senate

The majority whip or the assistant whip is under the majority leader or the Senate party leader. Then, all of them are under the president pro tempore which is elected by Senate to preside when the president of the Senate is absent. The highest rank or the president of the Senate is the Vice President the United States
Answer 2

The proper hierarchy of leadership roles in the Senate from lowest to highest:

The Majority whip, The Majority leader, President pro tempore, President of the Senate.  

Further Explanation:  

A Senate includes members of the group which make policy decision by Parliamentary procedures. The other name of Senate is “deliberative assembly” in the bicameral legislature. Senators are elected and appointed that constitutes the whole Senate.

Different countries follow different procedures of elections. For example in Philippines voterselect the senate members. On the other hand in France they are indirectly elected.  The United States follows a popular vote. The composition is changed after every six years.  

The major role of the Senate is to provide a much wider and second opinion to the laws that were passed by the House of Representatives. The other special duties of Senate are passing special laws and filling of special positions. The powers of US Senate are confirmed by Cabinet Secretaries, judges and officers. It ensures a check on the functions of government. It also scrutinises the legislation as well as the legislative instruments.

Learn more:

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Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Political Science

Keywords: Deliberative assembly, the bicameral legislature, Philippines, voters, elect, France, indirectly elected, six years, second opinion, special laws, special positions, legislative instruments

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"Traditionalism" is the one American value among the following choices given in the question that the Beat generation of writers react. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the fourth option or option "D". I hope that this is the answer that has actually helped you.

The correct answer is D. traditionalism.

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“Happiness Epidemic”by David Hernandez

Without any warning, the disease
sweeps across the country
like a traveling circus.

People who were once blue,
who slouched from carrying
a bag of misery over one shoulder

are now clinically cheerful.
Symptoms include kind gestures,
a bouncy stride, a smile

bigger than a slice of cantaloupe.
You pray that you will be infected,
hope a happy germ invades your body

and multiplies, spreading merriment
to all your major organs
like door-to-door Christmas carolers

until the virus finally reaches your heart:
that red house at the end of the block
where your deepest wishes reside,

where a dog howls behind a gate
every time that sorrow
pulls his hearse up the driveway.

Source: Hernandez, David. “Happiness Epidemic.” Casa Poema. Casa Poem, n.d. Web. 6 June 2011.

Which poetic technique is illustrated throughout the entire poem “Happiness Epidemic“?



The poetic technique that is illustrated throughout the entire poem “Happiness Epidemic“ would be metonymy, although it varies slightly at the very end. 


  • Metonymy


Metonymy is a figure of speech that comprises of the utilization of the name of one article or idea for that of another to which it is connected, or of which it is a section, as "staff" for "sway," or "the jug" for "solid beverage."

Spring is the best time of year to visit here. Wildflowers are everywhere. The peaks appear even taller against the clear blue sky. The one drawback is trying to scale the rocks to get to the top.The place being described is _____
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a mountain.
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the ocean.


The place being described is a mountain. Clue words like wildflowers, peaks, and clear blue sky are usually seen in mountain views. The writer was trying to convey a beautiful scenery of the mountains during Spring where many observable species, like wildflowers, thrive in the environment and the weather is also at its most beautiful showing clear blue skies.


A mountain. (GRADPOINT)

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Figurative language because it uses words/expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation.That is also what poetry does, uses figurative expressions. Also, figurative language includes personification and similes/metaphors which are commonly used in poetry.
Opinions Figurative language..............

The most common foot in English poetry is the _____. iamb trochee anapest dactyl spondee


The most common foot in English poetry is the "iamb" but dactyls are also fairly common. It really is up to the preference of the author to choose the poetic meter.

The correct answer is A. Iamb


One of the most important features of poetry is the meter which is the structure followed to construct each verse on a poem and that varies according to the number of syllables in each verse and whether these syllables are stressed or unstressed, this also means different combinations of stressed and unstressed syllables determine the metric of a poem. Additionally, the meter is measured by feet which are the units composed by one stressed syllable and at least one that is unstressed. In the case of English poetry the most common foot is the iamb which consists of the combination of one stressed syllable and one unstressed syllable, this is considered as the basic foot in poetry and has been widely used in poems in English; additionally, the preference for one metric or other also depends on the language and in the case of English the Iamb seems to fit with the language features. Thus, the most common foot in English poetry is the iamb.

When writing dialogue, with what type of speech would you be most likely to use slang?formal


That would be written in an informal style. It would seem too unprofessional if you wrote it casually. Also, if you wrote it in a formal tone, some readers would not understand. The words wouldn't make sense to them. Thus, simply acting casually would do.

What is Informal Writing?

And a lot of informal writing, which we define as writing that is primarily used for one's own idea development or organization as opposed to sharing an idea with an audience, does not necessitate a teacher reaction, at least not the kind of response you would typically offer to students' formal work.

Short sentences make up informal writing, which is employed in more intimate contexts like writing a letter to a friend or a journal entry. Compared to formal writing, it is significantly more informal.

The use of standard English, longer sentences, fewer personal pronouns, and a lack of slang or colloquial words are all characteristics of formal language. Nonstandard English forms, common terminology, and often shorter sentence structures are all permissible in informal language.

To read more about Informal Writing, refer to -brainly.com/question/1473383


You would write it in the casual form. You wouldn't write it informal because it would sound too unprofessional. And making it formal, well, some people wouldn't understand if you were to write in the formal way. They wouldn't understand the words. So just the casual way would do.