What is the slope of the line passing through (-3, 5) and (5, -3)?


Answer 1
Answer: you subtract -3-5 and it gives you -8 then subtract 5-3 and it gives you 2 then divide -8÷2 and your answer is -4
Answer 2

Answer: slope = -1

formula I used: (y1 - y2)/(x1 - x2) so then fill in the letters with the corresponding numbers

(5 - (-3))/(-3 - 5)

then you should get -1 as your answer <3

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Below are four lines from sections I – IV. (There is one line from each section.) Arrange them in order, first to last, based on when they occurred in the story of Beowulf."How ceaselessly Grendel / harassed Hrothgar . . ."
"'Who are ye, then, ye arméd men, / mailéd folk . . .'"
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1. "It came in his mind ' to bid his henchmen a hall uprear" - this refers to Beowulf helping his men before going to Hrothgar's place; 2. "How ceaselessly Grendel / harassed Hrothgar..." - the introduction of Grendel the monster; 3. "Who are ye, then, ye armed men, / mailed folk..." - the conversation between Grendel and Beowulf; 4. "To Hrothgar I / in greatness of sould would succor bring" - Beowulf helping Hrothgar

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The answer should be the second option.

Explanation: Preposition are functional words that show location, direction, or time. Prepositions include words like: to, of, under, for, at. For example: I saw the bowl on the table. Take that book to the library. We will arrive at seven o'clock.

Hope this helps!


2. Which of the following is not something you should ask yourself when revising a short story?A. Does the word choice create a sense of style?

B.Does the point of view remain the same throughout the story?

C.Does the story tell what happens over a number of years?

D.Is the plot line organized?



If u still need the answer its Does the story tell what happens over a number of years?


I turned in the assignment and my answer was right.

Final answer:

'Does the story tell what happens over a number of years?' is the option you should not typically focus on when revising a short story. Consistency of point of view, word choice's impact on style, and plot organization are more essential.


The subject of this question revolves around the process of revising a short story. Among the provided options, the one that isn't usually critical for revision is C. Does the story tell what happens over a number of years? While timeline can be a significant element, it's not crucial for every story, and focusing specifically on whether it spans years isn’t a universal requirement for revising a piece. What you should concern yourself more with is the consistency of point of view, word choice effect on the story’s style, and how well the plot is organized.

Learn more about Story Revision here:



A good thesis statement is essential to writing a good critical essay.
a. True
b. False


true the reason why i say that if you dont good a good essay your thesis would be hard to get 
Hi there!

A good thesis statement is essential to writing a good critical essay is a True statement.
Your friend, ASIAX

Richard Connell uses personification often in his short story "The Most Dangerous Game." Which line from this excerpt is an example of personification?I'll give him a trail to follow," muttered Rainsford, and he struck off from the rude path he had been following into the trackless wilderness. He executed a series of intricate loops; he doubled on his trail again and again, recalling all the lore of the fox hunt, and all the dodges of the fox. Night found him leg-weary, with hands and face lashed by the branches, on a thickly wooded ridge. He knew it would be insane to blunder on through the dark, even if he had the strength. His need for rest was imperative and he thought, "I have played the fox, now I must play the cat of the fable." A big tree with a thick trunk and outspread branches was near by, and, taking care to leave not the slightest mark, he climbed up into the crotch, and, stretching out on one of the broad limbs, after a fashion, rested. Rest brought him new confidence and almost a feeling of security. Even so zealous a hunter as General Zaroff could not trace him there, he told himself; only the devil himself could follow that complicated trail through the jungle after dark. But perhaps the general was a devil--

An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle. Toward morning when a dingy gray was varnishing the sky, the cry of some startled bird focused Rainsford's attention in that direction.
Something was coming through the bush, coming slowly, carefully, coming by the same winding way Rainsford had come. He flattened himself down on the limb and, through a screen of leaves almost as thick as tapestry, he watched. . . . That which was approaching was a man.

It was General Zaroff. He made his way along with his eyes fixed in utmost concentration on the ground before him. He paused, almost beneath the tree, dropped to his knees and studied the ground. Rainsford's impulse was to hurl himself down like a panther, but he saw that the general's right hand held something metallic--a small automatic pistol.


The example of personification in this excerpt is: An apprehensive night crawled slowly by like a wounded snake and sleep did not visit Rainsford, although the silence of a dead world was on the jungle.
Personification is when inanimate things have human qualities. Here, a night cannot be apprehensive/crawl, because it is not alive.

k so for the plato answer i got "sleep did not visit him"

The lightness or darkness of tones or colors is called a. forte.
b. crescendo.
c. value.
d. tone.


this type of question is a arts question but the answer is value

Final answer:

Value in art refers to the relative lightness or darkness of a color.


The lightness or darkness of tones or colors is known as value. In terms of art, this term describes the relative lightness or darkness of a color, which adds depth and suggests volume or space in a piece. For instance, if you were to look at a piece of black and white photography, the different shades of grey represent different values; the darkest being close to true black (low value) and the lightest being close to true white (high value).

Learn more about Value here:
