Which symbol from A Raisin in the Sun most likely represents the refusal to conform to society?A. AsagaiB. "Eat your eggs!"
C. Mama's plant
D. Beneatha's hairstyle


Answer 1
Answer: The symbol from "A Raisin in the Sun" which most likely represents the refusal to conform to society is letter (D.) Beneatha's hairstyle. In fact, this is the symbol in the play which is considered as the most powerful social declaration. When Beneatha cut her hair it means that she is against assimilation beliefs.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Beneatha's hairstyle represents the refusal to conform to society in A Raisin in the Sun.


The symbol from A Raisin in the Sun that most likely represents the refusal to conform to society is Beneatha's hairstyle. Beneatha's hairstyle reflects her rejection of societal expectations and her desire to embrace her African heritage. By wearing her hair in a natural and unapologetic style, Beneatha is making a statement about her refusal to conform to societal norms and expectations.

Learn more about Symbol of non-conformity in A Raisin in the Sun here:



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Which answer choice does not contain any capitalization errors? A. He whined, "this soup is cold."

B. "Even mature children," he said, "have no patience for a long delay."

C. Phil said, "occasionally, children are comfortable with boredom."

D. "many philosophers," Eva said, "Believe children are influential."


The answer choice that does not contain any capitalization errors is B) "Even mature children," he said, "have no patience for a long delay."

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Think about a text
Write about a text
O C. Ask questions about a text
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Because while you are reading you have to always be able to explain and understand what you are reading

How does the sidebar about Mary McLeod Bethune support "African American Women in World War II"?


Mary McLeod Bethune is a daughter of a former slaves who became an activist and served as president of the national association of colored women. She support the African American Woman by providing education and civil right movement for the african american women.

hope this helps


D on edg


by describing Bethune's contributions to the betterment of the United States

Which words in the sentence make up the adjective phrase? Which word does the adjective phrase modify? The black squirrel gathers many acorns from our oak trees. A. many acorns; modifies gathers B. the black squirrel; modifies gathers C. from our oak trees; modifies acorns D. gathers many acorns; modifies squirrel


The black squirrel gathers many acorns from our oak trees.

The adjective phrase is FROM OUR OAK TREES. It modifies ACORNS. Answer is letter C.

Though an adjective phrase modifies a noun or pronoun. It can also modify an object of the sentence.

The object in the above sentence is ACORNS.

What are elie's thoughts about god at this point book. Night


He at first had a strong faith in god but then he started to lose faith

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In four to six sentences, explain how the structure of the First Amendment supports equal weight of each freedom it guarantees.


Word of advice....when you want to get your homework questions answered, you should make it seem like you're asking out of curiosity, so put question marks and stuff haha :D 

Well you can divide it it into 4 aspects. 

The most understood aspect of the 1st amendment is the freedom of speech. This allows people to express themselves, and the Supreme court must have justification to interfere with it. 

The freedom of press is the same thing. It allows people to express themselves through the media and publications. 

The right to assemble allows people to gather together, as long as it's peaceful and not harmful. The government can intervene if they see anything illegal happening. 

The right to petition guarantees that any wrong doing from the government or courts can be fought, allowing people to work together to make change. 


The First Amendment not only declares freedoms, but also provides structural support for them. Everything is crammed into one clause because the amendment is only one sentence long. Because it is so long, it must be separated with commas and the word "or." Both of these examples show that there is no preference for one freedom over another, and that all of them are equally important to the people. The freedoms are also all enshrined in a single constitutional amendment, implying that they all belong together and have the same significance.