Do you think that scientists will ever run out of things to study? explain your reasoning​


Answer 1




I do not believe that scientist will ever run out of things to study because there is so much we don't know so the scientists will try figuring it out for maybe a couple years but they might restudy things from the past to help us now.

Answer 2




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Consider these phylogenetic trees. The first tree is based on physical characteristics. The second tree is based on structure, genetics, and evolutionary history. 2 phylogenetic trees are shown. The first tree has 3 branches that go to duck, platypus, and opossum. The second tree has 2 branches that go to duck and platypus. Opossum branches off of the platypus branch. Which can be concluded from a comparison of the two phylogenetic trees?


Complete question:

Consider these phylogenetic trees. The first tree is based on physical characteristics. The second tree is based on structure, genetics, and evolutionary history.  Which can be concluded from a comparison of the two phylogenetic trees?

  1. Phylogenetic trees are not subject to change.
  2. Classification can change with new discoveries and evidence.
  3. Classification does not change with more evidence.
  4. Phylogenetic trees are inaccurate.


2.Classification can change with new discoveries and evidence.


In phylogenetic trees, two species are more related if they have a recent common ancestor. On the other hand, two species will be less related if their common ancestor is not a recent one and is located far away in the tree.  

The phylogenetic tree is composed of,

• Lineages → These are the taxonomic groups of interest placed in the extremes of the lines called branches.  

• Nodes → These are the ramification points, which are also known as divergence points. They represent the location of the most recent common ancestor.  

• Root → This is the older common ancestor that all lineages share. The first one in the tree.  

Two or more lineages are more related to each other if they share a recent common ancestor. This means that they all diverge from the same node.

Two or more lineages are less related to each other if they lack a recent common ancestor. This is, the node from which these lineages diverge is placed far away in the tree.  

There are also different phylogenetic relationships between lineages.  

• Apomorphies  

• Plesiomorphies

• Homoplasy  

In the exposed example, we have two trees.

  • Tree 1 ⇒ based on physical characteristics
  • Tree 2 ⇒ based on structure, genetics, and evolutionary history

Tree 1 reflects that the three species share a common ancestor that is far away in history. From this common ancestor (the blue point in the image), the duck first diverged. Later in evolution, Platypus diverged, and finally, Opossum diverged. The three species are morphologically well-differentiated from each other.

Tree 2 suggests a common ancestor of the three species (the blue point in the image), placed far away in history. From this common ancestor, the duck first diverged. But later in evolution, there was a second branch that diverged, and later originated Platypus and Opossum. According to the information provided by structure, genetics, and evolutionary history, Platypus and Opossum share a most recent common ancestor (the red point in the image).

Both trees provide equally important information. However, tree 2 is more detailed about evolutionary events because it involves many aspects of the animals´ history. Using one of the trees or the other, or both, will depend on the goals of the experiment.

The conclusion we can get from this comparison is that as long as there are discoveries and scientific advances, there will be a constant influx of information useful to recreate or explain evolution. Classification will keep changing with discoveries and evidence.


Classification can change with new discoveries and evidence.


I got 100% on the test

What processes transforms water vapor to liquid water


Condensation is the process that transforms water vapor into liquid water.

Plants tend to grow toward air with higher humidity because of _____.


The correct answer is geotropism. Plants tend to grow toward air with higher humidity because of geotropism. The geotropism is the turning or the movement of the plant in response to the Earth's gravity. Geotropism also allows the plants to orient themselves about growth.

Answer: Hydrotropism

Explanation: Hydro means water and tropism means moving in a positive orientation by the organism.The movement of plant in the response to the higher humidity is known as hydrotropism.

The process starts with the root cap movement that sense water and sends signals to the roots for elongation.

Example: plants moving towards higher humidity.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the process of dating Earth's history?a. Scientists use radiometric dating to determine the relative age of a new fossil.
b. Scientists use relative dating to determine the absolute age of a new fossil.
c. Scientists use radioactive isotopes to determine the absolute age of a new fossil.
d. Scientists use index fossils to determine the specific years of age of a new fossil.


a. Scientists use radiometric dating to determine the relative age of a new fossil.

Glossopteris fossils are the most reoccurring fossils in most land masses. In Alfred Wegener’s Continental drift theory which he claims that the continents of the earth may have relocated themselves from their former positions. Which when you synthesize the whole continents you’ll have the “all-earth” or so-called Pangea. The super continent as Wegener’s continental drift theory suggests. These Glossopteris is event in many places mainly in Africa, South America, Australia, India, and Antarctica. That in the paleontological perspective can assert his theory that these organisms have been roaming and surviving all over this one super continent and were dispersed in, that's why they can be found in many places as mentioned.

Identify a protein of interest (such as human insulin) and elaborate on the primary amino acid sequence of that protein. Include information such as the number of amino acids, the first dozen amino acids in the sequence, the molecular mass, is it a dimer, how many peptide chains are in the protein, where is it located, etc.


The pancreas produces the peptide hormone known as human insulin, which is essential for controlling blood sugar levels. There are two peptide chains in it, joined together by disulfide bonds.

An "A" chain and a "B" chain are the two peptide chains that make up human insulin. The A and B chains' amino acid sequences are arranged as follows:

A Chain (21 amino acids):


B Chain (30 amino acids):


The 51 amino acids of human insulin make up the entire protein. Human insulin has a molecular mass of around 5808 Da (Daltons).

Dimer: Since human insulin is made up of two peptide chains (A and B chains) connected by disulfide bonds, it is a dimer.

Peptide Chains: The A chain and the B chain are the two peptide chains that make up human insulin.

Location: The beta cells of the pancreatic islets of Langerhans generate and secrete human insulin.

Learn more about amino acids:

Final answer:

Human insulin is a peptide hormone consisting of 51 amino acids across two chains. The primary amino acid sequence of chain A includes Gly, Ile, Val, and others. Insulin, a dimer, circulates in the bloodstream and binds to insulin receptors on cells.


The protein of interest I will elaborate on is human insulin. Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by beta cells in the pancreas. It has a total of 51 amino acids divided into two peptide chains linked by disulfide bridges, Chain A and Chain B. Chain A has 21 amino acids while Chain B has 30.

The primary amino acid sequence of chain A of human insulin starts with: Gly, Ile, Val, Glu, Gln, Cys, Cys, Thr, Ser, Ile, Cys, Ser. The molecular mass of insulin is approximately 5808 Da.

Insulin is a dimer in its storage form but functions as a monomer when it is actively binding to receptors. As it is a hormone, it circulates in the bloodstream and binds to insulin receptors on cells to promote glucose uptake.

Learn more about Human Insulin here:
