Erythrocytes are an example of specialized cells


Answer 1
Answer: They are specialised cells.
Answer 2

The answer for this question is True.

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What was the basic proposal in the bohr model of an atom?


the basic proposal of the atom which is different from others mainly Rutherford is :

he said that the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a fixed energy orbitals !

and 99℅ of the atom is empty !

An ecosystem is experiencing a devastating drought. It has not rained in weeks. How will the servere lack of rainfall affect the biotic factors in the ecosystem




Drought impacts ecosystem in many different negative ways.

  • All biotic factors (that is living organisms) in an ecosystem depend on water.
  • It can also lead to losses or destruction of fish and wildlife habitat.
  • Lack of food and drinking water for wild animals.
  • Increase in disease in wild animals, because of reduced food and water supplies.
  • Drought can lead to increases in wildfire and insect outbreaks, local species extinctions, forest diebacks, and altered rates of carbon, nutrient, and water cycling – all of which can have real consequences for ecosystems and human communities alike
  • Plants and animals depend on water, just like people. When a drought occurs, their food supply can shrink and their habitat can be damaged.
  • Sometimes the damage is only temporary and their habitat and food supply return to normal when the drought is over.

Answer: There will be adjustment on water loss mechanisms and development of water conservation


Why do arteries need to be thick, muscular, and elastic? to make our bodies strong for movement

to withstand the pressure of the blood that is being pumped by the heart

to pull the blood back to the heart from all areas of the body

to withstand changes in blood temperature



The walls of the arteries are thicker and more muscular than that of veins because of the work that they perform. The arteries have thick and muscular walls, which help them to withstand and absorb the pressure waves that are generated as a result of blood pumping from the heart. The elasticity of the arteries help them to generate appropriate pressure for supporting blood flow.

The answer is to withstand the pressure of the blood that is being pumped from the heart, because the pressure can change based on activity levels.

What feature of the ocean basin is actually part of the continental crust?


Continental shelf. The continental shelf has always been thought about as part of the oceanic basin, but it's actually a submerged part of the continental crust.  Continental shelf and continental slope are part of the continental margin that forms the outer edge of a big landmass.

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hope this helps:)

sorry if this is wrong

if it is i’ll try again so just tell me if it’s wrong:)

What two ideas from geology were important to Darwin's thinking


the geologists that influenced Darwin's thinking with their work were Lyell and Hutton , together both are saying that the earth is millions of years old whereas people back then used to think that according to the bible earth was just about 6000 years old if you track the generations or the genealogies. of course not every single generation is noted on the bible. also the discovery of fossils suggests evolution,
in addition people used to think that earth hasn't changed neither its life since the moment of creation
in short, the ideas were that earth natural processes operate very slowly, thus the earth must be millions of years old. that made Darwin wonder "if the earth is very old and changing, would life change as well over time? also he realized that life evolvells with such a great amount of time